SmartFoxServer 2X C++ API
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CBaseEventThis is the Base class of all Events in the API
 CSFSBuddyEventThis class contains all the Buddy List API related events
 CSFSEventThis is the main SmartFox Event class. All major system events are found here.
 CIMMOItemThe IMMOItem interface defines all the methods and properties that an object representing a SmartFoxServer MMOItem entity exposes.
 CMMOItemAn MMOItem object represents an active non-player entity inside an MMORoom.
 CMMORoomThe MMORoom object represents a specialized type of Room entity on the client.
 CSFSBuddyThe SFSBuddy class represent a Buddy in the User's Buddy List
 CSFSRoomThe Room object represent a server Room.
 CSFSUserThe User object represent a client logged in the Server.
 CUserThe User interface defines all the methods and properties that an object representing a SmartFoxServer User entity exposes.
 CLoggerThe internal logger used by the SmartFoxServer 2X client API.
 CAdminMessageRequestSend a Admin Message to a specific User or groups of Users
 CBanUserRequestBanish a User from the system (for moderators and admins only)
 CChangeRoomCapacityRequestChange the capacity of a Room (maxUsers and maxSpectators) at runtime.
 CChangeRoomNameRequestChange the name of a Room at runtime.
 CChangeRoomPasswordStateRequestChanges the password of a Room at runtime.
 CCreateRoomRequestCreates a new Room in the current Zone
 CExtensionRequestSends a request to a Zone or Room Extension.
 CFindRoomsRequestSearch Rooms in the system by matching their variables and properties against a MatchExpression
 CFindUsersRequestSearch Users in the system by matching their variables and properties against a MatchExpression
 CHandshakeRequestThis request is used by the API sub-system at connection time. It's not intended for other uses.
 CJoinRoomRequestJoin the current User in a Room.
 CKickUserRequestKicks a User out of the server (for moderators and admins only)
 CLeaveRoomRequestLeaves a currently joined Room
 CLoginRequestJoin one of the Zones in the Server.
 CLogoutRequestLog out of the current Zone
 CManualDisconnectionRequestThis is used by the system. Never send this directly.
 CMessageRecipientModeThis class is used to specify the recipient mode for Moderator Messages and Administrator Message.
 CModeratorMessageRequestSend a Moderator Message to a specific User or groups of Users
 CObjectMessageRequestSend a custom data Object to all users in a Room or a sub-selection of them
 CPingPongRequestSends a ping-pong request in order to measure the current lag
 CPlayerToSpectatorRequestAttempt to turn the current User from Player to a Spectator (in a Game Room)
 CPrivateMessageRequestSend a chat Private Message to another User
 CPublicMessageRequestSends a chat Public Message to other users in the Room
 CRoomEventsThis class provides Room event settings that can be specified when creating a new Room via the CreateRoomRequest
 CRoomExtensionThis object is part of the RoomSettings parameters used for creating a new Room.
 CRoomPermissionsThis object is part of the RoomSettings parameters used for creating a new Room.
 CRoomSettingsThis class provides the Room settings that you can pass to a CreateRoomRequest
 CSetRoomVariablesRequestSet custom Room Variables in a Room
 CSetUserVariablesRequestSet custom User Variables for the current User
 CSpectatorToPlayerRequestAttempt to turn the current User from Spectator into a Player (in a Game Room)
 CSubscribeRoomGroupRequestSubscribe to the events of a Room Group
 CUnsubscribeRoomGroupRequestStop listening to events of a specific Room Group
 CConfigDataThe ConfigData class stores the client configuration data loaded from an external XML file or passed directly to the deputy connect method.
 CCryptoInitializerInitializer for encryption
 CCryptoKeyThe encryption key
 CPasswordUtilHelper class for logging in with a pre-hashed password
 CSFSErrorCodesProvides a mean of translation between Server error codes and their relative error messages.
 CSmartFoxSmartFox is the main class of the SmartFoxServer 2X API.