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ISFSArray Interface

The ISFSArray interface defines all the public methods and properties of the SFSArray class used by SmartFoxServer in client-server data transfer.

Namespace:  Sfs2X.Entities.Data
Assembly:  SmartFox2X (in SmartFox2X.dll) Version: (1.8.0)
public interface ISFSArray : ICollection, 

The ISFSArray type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddBool
Appends a boolean value to the end of this array.
Public methodAddBoolArray
Appends an array of boolean values to the end of this array.
Public methodAddByte
Appends a byte (8 bits) value to the end of this array.
Public methodAddByteArray
Appends a ByteArray object to the end of this array.
Public methodAddClass
Appends the passed custom class instance to the end of this array.
Public methodAddDouble
Appends a double precision number (64 bits) value to the end of this array.
Public methodAddDoubleArray
Appends an array of double precision number values to the end of this array.
Public methodAddFloat
Appends a floating point number (32 bits) value to the end of this array.
Public methodAddFloatArray
Appends an array of floating point number values to the end of this array.
Public methodAddInt
Appends an integer (32 bits) value to the end of this array.
Public methodAddIntArray
Appends an array of integer values to the end of this array.
Public methodAddLong
Appends a long integer (64 bits) value to the end of this array.
Public methodAddLongArray
Appends an array of long integer values to the end of this array.
Public methodAddNull
Appends a null value to the end of this array.
Public methodAddSFSArray
Appends an ISFSArray object to the end of this array.
Public methodAddSFSObject
Appends a ISFSObject object to the end of this array.
Public methodAddShort
Appends a short integer (16 bits) value to the end of this array.
Public methodAddShortArray
Appends an array of short integer values to the end of this array.
Public methodAddText
Appends a UTF-8 string (with max length of 2 GBytes) value to the end of this array.
Public methodAddUtfString
Appends a UTF-8 string (with max length of 32 KBytes) value to the end of this array.
Public methodAddUtfStringArray
Appends an array of UTF-8 string values to the end of this array.
Public methodContains
Indicates whether this array contains the specified object or not.
Public methodGetBool
Returns the element at the specified position as a boolean.
Public methodGetBoolArray
Returns the element at the specified position as an array of booleans.
Public methodGetByte
Returns the element at the specified position as a signed byte (8 bits).
Public methodGetByteArray
Returns the element at the specified position as a ByteArray object.
Public methodCode exampleGetClass
Returns the element at the specified position as an instance of a custom class.
Public methodGetDouble
Returns the element at the specified position as a double precision number.
Public methodGetDoubleArray
Returns the element at the specified position as an array of doubles.
Public methodGetDump
Public methodGetDump(Boolean)
Provides a formatted string representing this array.
Public methodGetElementAt
Returns the element at the specified position in this array.
Public methodGetFloat
Returns the element at the specified position as a floating point number.
Public methodGetFloatArray
Returns the element at the specified position as an array of floats.
Public methodGetHexDump
Provides a detailed hexadecimal representation of this array.
Public methodGetInt
Returns the element at the specified position as an integer (32 bits).
Public methodGetIntArray
Returns the element at the specified position as an array of integers.
Public methodGetLong
Returns the element at the specified position as a long integer (64 bits).
Public methodGetLongArray
Returns the element at the specified position as an array of longs.
Public methodGetSFSArray
Returns the element at the specified position as an ISFSArray object.
Public methodGetSFSObject
Returns the element at the specified position as an ISFSObject object.
Public methodGetShort
Returns the element at the specified position as a short integer (16 bits).
Public methodGetShortArray
Returns the element at the specified position as an array of shorts.
Public methodGetText
Returns the element at the specified position as an UTF-8 string, with max length of 2 GBytes.
Public methodGetUtfString
Returns the element at the specified position as an UTF-8 string, with max length of 32 KBytes.
Public methodGetUtfStringArray
Returns the element at the specified position as an array of UTF-8 strings.
Public methodIsNull
Indicates if the element at the specified position in this array is null.
Public methodRemoveElementAt
Removes the element at the specified position in this array.
Public methodSize
Indicates the number of elements in this array.
Public methodToBinary
Provides the binary form of this array.
Public methodToJson
Provides the JSON representation of this array.
Read the implementor class description for additional informations.

Check the SFSDataType enumeration for more informations on supported data types.

See Also