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Sfs2X.Requests Namespace

Public classCode exampleAdminMessageRequest
Sends an administrator message to a specific user or a group of users.
Public classCode exampleBanUserRequest
Banishes a user from the server.
Public classCode exampleChangeRoomCapacityRequest
Changes the maximum number of users and/or spectators who can join a Room.
Public classCode exampleChangeRoomNameRequest
Changes the name of a Room.
Public classCode exampleChangeRoomPasswordStateRequest
Changes the password of a Room.
Public classCode exampleCreateRoomRequest
Creates a new Room in the current Zone.
Public classCode exampleExtensionRequest
Sends a command to the server-side Extension attached to the Zone or to a Room.
Public classCode exampleFindRoomsRequest
Retrieves a list of Rooms from the server which match the specified criteria.
Public classCode exampleFindUsersRequest
Retrieves a list of users from the server which match the specified criteria.
Public classCode exampleJoinRoomRequest
Joins the current user in a Room.
Public classCode exampleKickUserRequest
Kicks a user out of the server.
Public classCode exampleLeaveRoomRequest
Leaves one of the Rooms joined by the current user.
Public classCode exampleLoginRequest
Logs the current user in one of the server Zones.
Public classCode exampleLogoutRequest
Logs the user out of the current server Zone.
Public classMessageRecipientMode
The MessageRecipientMode class is used to specify the recipient/s of moderator and administrator messages.
Public classCode exampleModeratorMessageRequest
Sends a moderator message to a specific user or a group of users.
Public classCode exampleObjectMessageRequest
Sends an object containing custom data to all users in a Room, or a subset of them.
Public classCode examplePlayerToSpectatorRequest
Turns the current user from player to spectator in a Game Room.
Public classCode examplePrivateMessageRequest
Sends a private chat message.
Public classCode examplePublicMessageRequest
Sends a public chat message.
Public classCode exampleQuickJoinOrCreateRoomRequest
Quickly joins the current user in a public Room, or creates a new Room if none is found.
Public classRoomEvents
The RoomEvents class contains a specific subset of the RoomSettings required to create a Room.
Public classRoomExtension
The RoomExtension class contains a specific subset of the RoomSettings required to create a Room.
Public classRoomPermissions
The RoomPermissions class contains a specific subset of the RoomSettings required to create a Room.
Public classRoomSettings
The RoomSettings class is a container for the settings required to create a Room.
Public classCode exampleSetRoomVariablesRequest
Sets one or more custom Room Variables in a Room.
Public classCode exampleSetUserVariablesRequest
Sets one or more custom User Variables for the current user.
Public classCode exampleSpectatorToPlayerRequest
Turns the current user from spectator to player in a Game Room.
Public classCode exampleSubscribeRoomGroupRequest
Subscribes the current user to Room-related events occurring in the specified Group.
Public classCode exampleUnsubscribeRoomGroupRequest
Unsubscribes the current user to Room-related events occurring in the specified Group.
Public enumerationBanMode
The BanMode enumeration contains the costants describing the possible banning modalities for a BanUserRequest.
Public enumerationMessageRecipientType
The possible message recipient modes for ModeratorMessageRequest and AdminMessageRequest requests.