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SFSBuddyManager Class

The SFSBuddyManager class is the entity in charge of managing the current user's Buddy List system.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Sfs2X.Entities.Managers
Assembly:  SmartFox2X (in SmartFox2X.dll) Version: (1.8.0)
public class SFSBuddyManager : IBuddyManager

The SFSBuddyManager type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBuddyList
Returns a list of Buddy objects representing all the buddies in the user's buddies list.
Public propertyBuddyStates
Returns a list of strings representing the available custom buddy states.
Public propertyInited
Indicates whether the client's Buddy List system is initialized or not.
Public propertyMyNickName
Returns the current user's nickname (if set).
Public propertyMyOnlineState
Returns the current user's online/offline state.
Public propertyMyState
Returns the current user's custom state (if set).
Public propertyMyVariables
Returns all the Buddy Variables associated with the current user.
Public propertyOfflineBuddies
Returns a list of Buddy objects representing all the offline buddies in the user's buddies list.
Public propertyOnlineBuddies
Returns a list of Buddy objects representing all the online buddies in the user's buddies list.
Public methodContainsBuddy
Indicates whether a buddy exists in user's buddies list or not.
Public methodGetBuddyById
Retrieves a Buddy object from its id property.
Public methodGetBuddyByName
Retrieves a Buddy object from its name property.
Public methodGetBuddyByNickName
Retrieves a Buddy object from its nickName property (if set).
Public methodGetMyVariable
Retrieves a Buddy Variable from its name.
This manager keeps track of all the user's buddies, their state and their Buddy Variables. It also provides utility methods to set the user's properties when he is part of the buddies list of other users.
See Also