Classpublic class FindUsersRequest
InheritanceFindUsersRequest Inheritance com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests.BaseRequest

Retrieves a list of users from the server which match the specified criteria.

By providing a matching expression and a search scope (a Room, a Group or the entire Zone), SmartFoxServer can find those users matching the passed criteria and return them by means of the userFindResult event.

View the examples

See also

userFindResult event

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
FindUsersRequest(expr:MatchExpression, target:* = null, limit:int = 0)
Creates a new FindUsersRequest instance.
Constructor Detail
public function FindUsersRequest(expr:MatchExpression, target:* = null, limit:int = 0)

Creates a new FindUsersRequest instance. The instance must be passed to the SmartFox.send() method for the request to be performed.

expr:MatchExpression — A matching expression that the system will use to retrieve the users.
target:* (default = null) — The name of a Group or a single Room object where to search for matching users; if null, the search is performed in the whole Zone.
limit:int (default = 0) — The maximum size of the list of users that will be returned by the userFindResult event. If 0, all the found users are returned.

See also

The following example looks for all the users whose "age" User Variable is greater than 29:
     private function someMethod():void
         sfs.addEventListener(SFSEvent.USER_FIND_RESULT, onUserFindResult);
         // Create a matching expression to find users with an "age" variable greater than 29:
         var exp:MatchExpression = new MatchExpression("age", NumberMatch.GREATER_THAN, 29);
         // Find the users
         sfs.send(new FindUsersRequest(exp));
     private function onUserFindResult(evt:SFSEvent):void
         trace("Users found: " + evt.params.users);