 Buddy The Buddy interface defines all the methods and properties that an object representing a SmartFoxServer Buddy entity exposes.
 IMMOItem The IMMOItem interface defines all the methods and properties that an object representing a SmartFoxServer MMOItem entity exposes.
 Room The Room interface defines all the methods and properties that an object representing a SmartFoxServer Room entity exposes.
 User The User interface defines all the methods and properties that an object representing a SmartFoxServer User entity exposes.
 MMOItem An MMOItem represents an active non-player entity inside an MMORoom.
 MMORoom The MMORoom object represents a specialized type of Room entity on the client.
 SFSBuddy The SFSBuddy object represents a buddy in the current user's buddies list.
 SFSRoom The SFSRoom object represents a SmartFoxServer Room entity on the client.
 SFSUser The SFSUser object represents a client logged in SmartFoxServer.
 UserPrivileges The UserPrivileges class contains the costants describing the default user types known by SmartFoxServer.