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User Interface

The User interface defines all the methods and properties that an object representing a SmartFoxServer User entity exposes.

Namespace:  Sfs2X.Entities
Assembly:  SmartFox2X (in SmartFox2X.dll) Version: (1.8.0)
public interface User

The User type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAOIEntryPoint
Returns the entry point of this user in the current user's AoI.
Public propertyId
Indicates the id of this user.
Public propertyIsItMe
Indicates if this User object represents the current client.
Public propertyIsPlayer
Indicates whether this user is a player (playerId greater than 0) in the last joined Room or not.
Public propertyIsSpectator
Indicates whether this user is a spectator (playerId lower than 0) in the last joined Room or not.
Public propertyName
Indicates the name of this user.
Public propertyPlayerId
Returns the id of this user as a player in a Game Room.
Public propertyPrivilegeId
Returns the id which identifies the privilege level of this user.
Public propertyProperties
Defines a generic utility object that can be used to store custom user data.
Public propertyUserManager
Returns a reference to the User Manager which manages this user.
Public methodContainsVariable
Indicates whether this user has the specified User Variable set or not.
Public methodGetPlayerId
Returns the playerId value of this user in the passed Room.
Public methodGetVariable
Retrieves a User Variable from its name.
Public methodGetVariables
Retrieves all the User Variables of this user.
Public methodIsAdmin
Indicates whether this user logged in as an administrator or not.
Public methodIsGuest
Indicates whether this user logged in as a guest or not.
Public methodIsJoinedInRoom
Indicates whether this user joined the passed Room or not.
Public methodIsModerator
Indicates whether this user logged in as a moderator or not.
Public methodIsPlayerInRoom
Indicates whether this user is a player (playerId greater than 0) in the passed Room or not.
Public methodIsSpectatorInRoom
Indicates whether this user is a spectator (playerId lower than 0) in the passed Room or not.
Public methodIsStandardUser
Indicates whether this user logged in as a standard user or not.
In the SmartFoxServer 2X client API this interface is implemented by the SFSUser class. Read the class description for additional informations.
See Also