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Sfs2X.WebSocketSharp.Server Namespace

Public classHttpRequestEventArgs
Represents the event data for the HTTP request events of the HttpServer.
Public classHttpServer
Provides a simple HTTP server that allows to accept WebSocket handshake requests.
Public classWebSocketBehavior
Exposes a set of methods and properties used to define the behavior of a WebSocket service provided by the WebSocketServer or HttpServer.
Public classWebSocketServer
Provides a WebSocket protocol server.
Public classWebSocketServiceHost
Exposes the methods and properties used to access the information in a WebSocket service provided by the WebSocketServer or HttpServer.
Public classWebSocketServiceManager
Provides the management function for the WebSocket services.
Public classWebSocketSessionManager
Provides the management function for the sessions in a WebSocket service.
Public interfaceIWebSocketSession
Exposes the access to the information in a WebSocket session.