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IRoomManager Interface

The IRoomManager interface defines all the methods and properties exposed by the client-side manager of the SmartFoxServer Room entities.

Namespace:  Sfs2X.Entities.Managers
Assembly:  SmartFox2X (in SmartFox2X.dll) Version: (1.8.0)
public interface IRoomManager

The IRoomManager type exposes the following members.

Public methodContainsGroup
Indicates whether the specified Group has been subscribed by the client or not.
Public methodContainsRoom
Indicates whether a Room exists in the Rooms list or not.
Public methodContainsRoomInGroup
Indicates whether the Rooms list contains a Room belonging to the specified Group or not.
Public methodGetJoinedRooms
Returns a list of Rooms currently joined by the client.
Public methodGetRoomById
Retrieves a Room object from its id.
Public methodGetRoomByName
Retrieves a Room object from its name.
Public methodGetRoomCount
Returns the current number of Rooms in the Rooms list.
Public methodGetRoomGroups
Returns the names of Groups currently subscribed by the client.
Public methodGetRoomList
Returns a list of Rooms currently "known" by the client.
Public methodGetRoomListFromGroup
Retrieves the list of Rooms which are part of the specified Room Group.
Public methodGetUserRooms
Retrieves a list of Rooms joined by the specified user.
In the SmartFoxServer 2X client API this interface is implemented by the SFSRoomManager class. Read the class description for additional informations.
See Also