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SmartFox Properties

The SmartFox type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBuddyManager
Returns a reference to the Buddy Manager.
Public propertyCompressionThreshold
Returns the current compression threshold.
Public propertyConfig
Returns the client configuration details.
Public propertyCode exampleConnectionMode
Returns the current connection mode after a connection has been successfully established.
Public propertyCurrentIp
Returns the IP address or domain name of the SmartFoxServer 2X instance to which the client is connected.
Public propertyCurrentPort
Returns the TCP port of the SmartFoxServer 2X instance to which the client is connected.
Public propertyCurrentZone
Returns the Zone currently in use, if the user is already logged in.
Public propertyDebug
Indicates whether the client-server messages debug is enabled or not.
Public propertyHttpUploadURI
Returns the HTTP URI that can be used to upload files to SmartFoxServer 2X, using regular HTTP POST.
Public propertyCode exampleIsConnected
Indicates whether the client is connected to the server or not.
Public propertyJoinedRooms
Returns a list of Room objects representing the Rooms currently joined by the client.
Public propertyLastJoinedRoom
Returns the object representing the last Room joined by the client, if any.
Public propertyLogger
Returns a reference to the internal Logger instance used by SmartFoxServer 2X.
Public propertyMaxMessageSize
Returns the maximum size of messages allowed by the server.
Public propertyMySelf
Returns the User object representing the client when connected to a SmartFoxServer 2X instance.
Public propertyNodeId
[CLUSTER] The identifier of the cluster node which the current SmartFox instance is connected to. If the instance is not connected, a null value is returned;
Public propertyRoomList
Returns a list of Room objects representing the Rooms currently "watched" by the client.
Public propertyRoomManager
Returns a reference to the Room Manager.
Public propertySessionToken
Returns the unique session token of the client.
Public propertyThreadSafeMode
Sets the API to run with an event queue that needs to be processed by the client.
Public propertyUdpAvailable
Indicates whether the UPD protocol is available or not in the current runtime.
Public propertyUdpInited
Indicates whether the UDP handshake has been performed successfully or not.
Public propertyUserManager
Returns a reference to the User Manager.
Public propertyVersion
Returns the current version of the SmartFoxServer 2X C# API.
See Also