SFS2X Objective-C API  1.7.13
iOS / macOS / tvOS
MessageRecipientMode Class Reference

#import <MessageRecipientMode.h>

Inherits NSObject.

Instance Methods

(id) - initWithMode:target:

Class Methods

(id) + recipientModeWithMode:target:


NSInteger mode
id target

Detailed Description

This class is used to specify the recipient mode for Moderator Messages and Administrator Message.

There are 4 recipient modes:

  • TO_USER: the message will be sent to the User (passed as the target parameter)
  • TO_ROOM: the message will be sent to all Users in the Room (passed as the target parameter)
  • TO_GROUP: the message will be sent to all Users in the Room Group (passed as a String in the target parameter)
  • TO_ZONE: the message will be sent to all Users in the Zone (target is ignored)
See also