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MMORoom Properties

The MMORoom type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCapacity
Returns the maximum amount of users, including spectators, that can be contained in this Room.
(Inherited from SFSRoom.)
Public propertyDefaultAOI
Returns the default Area of Interest (AoI) of this MMORoom.
Public propertyGroupId
Returns the Room Group name.
(Inherited from SFSRoom.)
Public propertyHigherMapLimit
Returns the higher coordinates limit of the virtual environment represented by the MMORoom along the X,Y,Z axes.
Public propertyId
Indicates the id of this Room.
(Inherited from SFSRoom.)
Public propertyIsGame
Indicates whether this is a Game Room or not.
(Inherited from SFSRoom.)
Public propertyIsHidden
Indicates whether this Room is hidden or not.
(Inherited from SFSRoom.)
Public propertyIsJoined
Indicates whether the client joined this Room or not.
(Inherited from SFSRoom.)
Public propertyIsPasswordProtected
Indicates whether this Room requires a password to be joined or not.
(Inherited from SFSRoom.)
Public propertyLowerMapLimit
Returns the lower coordinates limit of the virtual environment represented by the MMORoom along the X,Y,Z axes.
Public propertyMaxSpectators
Returns the maximum number of spectators allowed in this Room (Game Rooms only).
(Inherited from SFSRoom.)
Public propertyMaxUsers
Returns the maximum number of users allowed in this Room.
(Inherited from SFSRoom.)
Public propertyName
Indicates the name of this Room.
(Inherited from SFSRoom.)
Public propertyPlayerList
Returns a list of User objects representing the players currently inside this Room (Game Rooms only).
(Inherited from SFSRoom.)
Public propertyProperties
Defines a generic utility object that can be used to store custom Room data.
(Inherited from SFSRoom.)
Public propertySpectatorCount
Returns the current number of spectators in this Room (Game Rooms only).
(Inherited from SFSRoom.)
Public propertySpectatorList
Returns a list of User objects representing the spectators currently inside this Room (Game Rooms only).
(Inherited from SFSRoom.)
Public propertyUserCount
Returns the current number of users in this Room.
(Inherited from SFSRoom.)
Public propertyUserList
Returns a list of User objects representing all the users currently inside this Room.
(Inherited from SFSRoom.)
See Also