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RoomVariable Interface

The RoomVariable interface defines all the public methods and properties that an object representing a SmartFoxServer Room Variable exposes.

Namespace:  Sfs2X.Entities.Variables
Assembly:  SmartFox2X (in SmartFox2X.dll) Version: (1.8.0)
public interface RoomVariable : Variable

The RoomVariable type exposes the following members.

Public propertyIsPersistent
Indicates whether this Room Variable is persistent or not.
Public propertyIsPrivate
Indicates whether this Room Variable is private or not.
Public propertyName
Indicates the name of this variable.
(Inherited from Variable.)
Public propertyType
Indicates the type of this variable.
(Inherited from Variable.)
Public propertyValue
Returns the untyped value of this variable.
(Inherited from Variable.)
Public methodGetBoolValue
Retrieves the value of a boolean variable.
(Inherited from Variable.)
Public methodGetDoubleValue
Retrieves the value of a double precision variable.
(Inherited from Variable.)
Public methodGetIntValue
Retrieves the value of an integer variable.
(Inherited from Variable.)
Public methodGetSFSArrayValue
Retrieves the value of a SFSArray variable.
(Inherited from Variable.)
Public methodGetSFSObjectValue
Retrieves the value of a SFSObject variable.
(Inherited from Variable.)
Public methodGetStringValue
Retrieves the value of a string variable.
(Inherited from Variable.)
Public methodIsNull
Indicates if the variable is null.
(Inherited from Variable.)
In the SmartFoxServer 2X client API this interface is implemented by the SFSRoomVariable class. Read the class description for additional informations.
See Also