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SFSUser Methods

The SFSUser type exposes the following members.

Public methodContainsVariable
Indicates whether this user has the specified User Variable set or not.
Public methodGetPlayerId
Returns the playerId value of this user in the passed Room.
Public methodGetVariable
Retrieves a User Variable from its name.
Public methodGetVariables
Retrieves all the User Variables of this user.
Public methodIsAdmin
Indicates whether this user logged in as an administrator or not.
Public methodIsGuest
Indicates whether this user logged in as a guest or not.
Public methodIsJoinedInRoom
Indicates whether this user joined the passed Room or not.
Public methodIsModerator
Indicates whether this user logged in as a moderator or not.
Public methodIsPlayerInRoom
Indicates whether this user is a player (playerId greater than 0) in the passed Room or not.
Public methodIsSpectatorInRoom
Indicates whether this user is a spectator (playerId lower than 0) in the passed Room or not.
Public methodIsStandardUser
Indicates whether this user logged in as a standard user or not.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that contains the user id, name and a boolean indicating if the this object represents the current client.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
See Also