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Sfs2X.Util Namespace

Public classBlueBoxCfg
The BlueBoxCfg class stores the configuration parameters for the BlueBox connection. When a socket connection fails the BlueBox can help the client connect to the server via HTTP tunnel.
Public classByteArray
Public classClientDisconnectionReason
The ClientDisconnectionReason class contains the costants describing the possible reasons why a disconnection from the server occurred.
Public classConfigData
The ConfigData class stores the client configuration data loaded from an external XML file or passed directly to the deputy connect method.
Public classPasswordUtil
Helper class for logging in with a pre-hashed password.
Public classProxyCfg
The ProxyCfg class stores the proxy server settings for the BlueBox.
Public classSFSErrorCodes
The SFSErrorCodes class provides a mean of translation between server error codes and their relative error messages.
Public enumerationUseWebSocket
The available websocket connection modes to be passed to the SmartFox class constructor.