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HttpListenerRequest Class

Represents an incoming request to a HttpListener instance.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Sfs2X.WebSocketSharp.Net
Assembly:  SmartFox2X (in SmartFox2X.dll) Version: (1.8.0)
public sealed class HttpListenerRequest

The HttpListenerRequest type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAcceptTypes
Gets the media types that are acceptable for the client.
Public propertyClientCertificateError
Gets an error code that identifies a problem with the certificate provided by the client.
Public propertyContentEncoding
Gets the encoding for the entity body data included in the request.
Public propertyContentLength64
Gets the length in bytes of the entity body data included in the request.
Public propertyContentType
Gets the media type of the entity body data included in the request.
Public propertyCookies
Gets the cookies included in the request.
Public propertyHasEntityBody
Gets a value indicating whether the request has the entity body data.
Public propertyHeaders
Gets the headers included in the request.
Public propertyHttpMethod
Gets the HTTP method specified by the client.
Public propertyInputStream
Gets a stream that contains the entity body data included in the request.
Public propertyIsAuthenticated
Gets a value indicating whether the client is authenticated.
Public propertyIsLocal
Gets a value indicating whether the request is sent from the local computer.
Public propertyIsSecureConnection
Gets a value indicating whether a secure connection is used to send the request.
Public propertyIsWebSocketRequest
Gets a value indicating whether the request is a WebSocket handshake request.
Public propertyKeepAlive
Gets a value indicating whether a persistent connection is requested.
Public propertyLocalEndPoint
Gets the endpoint to which the request is sent.
Public propertyProtocolVersion
Gets the HTTP version specified by the client.
Public propertyQueryString
Gets the query string included in the request.
Public propertyRawUrl
Gets the raw URL specified by the client.
Public propertyRemoteEndPoint
Gets the endpoint from which the request is sent.
Public propertyRequestTraceIdentifier
Gets the trace identifier of the request.
Public propertyUrl
Gets the URL requested by the client.
Public propertyUrlReferrer
Gets the URI of the resource from which the requested URL was obtained.
Public propertyUserAgent
Gets the user agent from which the request is originated.
Public propertyUserHostAddress
Gets the IP address and port number to which the request is sent.
Public propertyUserHostName
Gets the server host name requested by the client.
Public propertyUserLanguages
Gets the natural languages that are acceptable for the client.
Public methodBeginGetClientCertificate
Begins getting the certificate provided by the client asynchronously.
Public methodEndGetClientCertificate
Ends an asynchronous operation to get the certificate provided by the client.
Public methodGetClientCertificate
Gets the certificate provided by the client.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current instance.
(Overrides Object.ToString().)
This class cannot be inherited.
See Also