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SFSBuddyVariable Methods

The SFSBuddyVariable type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetBoolValue
Retrieves the value of a boolean variable.
(Inherited from BaseVariable.)
Public methodGetDoubleValue
Retrieves the value of a double precision variable.
(Inherited from BaseVariable.)
Public methodGetIntValue
Retrieves the value of an integer variable.
(Inherited from BaseVariable.)
Public methodGetSFSArrayValue
Retrieves the value of a SFSArray variable.
(Inherited from BaseVariable.)
Public methodGetSFSObjectValue
Retrieves the value of a SFSObject variable.
(Inherited from BaseVariable.)
Public methodGetStringValue
Retrieves the value of a string variable.
(Inherited from BaseVariable.)
Public methodIsNull
Indicates if the variable is null.
(Inherited from BaseVariable.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that contains the Buddy Variable name, type and value.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
See Also