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Dispatched when one more users or one or more MMOItem objects enter/leave the current user's Area of Interest in MMORooms.

Namespace:  Sfs2X.Core
Assembly:  SmartFox2X (in SmartFox2X.dll) Version: (1.8.0)
public static readonly string PROXIMITY_LIST_UPDATE

Field Value

Type: String
This event is fired after an MMORoom is joined and the SetUserPositionRequest request is sent at least one time.

NOTE: this event substitutes the default USER_ENTER_ROOM and USER_EXIT_ROOM events available in regular Rooms.

The Params object contains the following parameters:

room(Room) The Room where the event occurred
addedUsers(List<User>) A list of User objects representing the users who entered the current user's Area of Interest.
removedUsers(List<User>) A list of User objects representing the users who left the current user's Area of Interest.
addedItems(List<IMMOItem>) A list of MMOItem objects which entered the current user's Area of Interest.
removedItems(List<IMMOItem>) A list of MMOItem objects which left the current user's Area of Interest.
See the SetUserPositionRequest example.
See Also