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NumberMatch Fields

The NumberMatch type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberEQUALS
An instance of NumberMatch representing the following condition: number1 == number2.
Public fieldStatic memberGREATER_OR_EQUAL_THAN
An instance of NumberMatch representing the following condition: number1 >= number2.
Public fieldStatic memberGREATER_THAN
An instance of NumberMatch representing the following condition: number1 > number2.
Public fieldStatic memberLESS_OR_EQUAL_THAN
An instance of NumberMatch representing the following condition: number1 <= number2.
Public fieldStatic memberLESS_THAN
An instance of NumberMatch representing the following condition: number1 < number2.
Public fieldStatic memberNOT_EQUALS
An instance of NumberMatch representing the following condition: number1 != number2.
See Also