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SFSObject Class

The SFSObject class is used by SmartFoxServer in client-server data transfer.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Sfs2X.Entities.Data
Assembly:  SmartFox2X (in SmartFox2X.dll) Version: (1.8.0)
public class SFSObject : ISFSObject

The SFSObject type exposes the following members.

Public methodSFSObject
Returns a new SFSObject instance.
Public methodContainsKey
Indicates whether this object contains a mapping for the specified key or not.
Public methodGetBool
Returns the element corresponding to the specified key as a boolean.
Public methodGetBoolArray
Returns the element corresponding to the specified key as an array of booleans.
Public methodGetByte
Returns the element corresponding to the specified key as a signed byte (8 bits).
Public methodGetByteArray
Returns the element corresponding to the specified key as a ByteArray object.
Public methodCode exampleGetClass
Returns the element corresponding to the specified key as an instance of a custom class.
Public methodGetDouble
Returns the element corresponding to the specified key as a double precision number.
Public methodGetDoubleArray
Returns the element corresponding to the specified key as an array of doubles.
Public methodGetDump
Public methodGetDump(Boolean)
Provides a formatted string representing this object.
Public methodGetFloat
Returns the element corresponding to the specified key as a floating point number.
Public methodGetFloatArray
Returns the element corresponding to the specified key as an array of floats.
Public methodGetHexDump
Provides a detailed hexadecimal representation of this object.
Public methodGetInt
Returns the element corresponding to the specified key as an integer (32 bits).
Public methodGetIntArray
Returns the element corresponding to the specified key as an array of integers.
Public methodGetKeys
Retrieves a list of all the keys contained in this object.
Public methodGetLong
Returns the element corresponding to the specified key as a long integer (64 bits).
Public methodGetLongArray
Returns the element corresponding to the specified key as an array of longs.
Public methodGetSFSArray
Returns the element corresponding to the specified key as an ISFSArray object.
Public methodGetSFSObject
Returns the element corresponding to the specified key as an ISFSObject object.
Public methodGetShort
Returns the element corresponding to the specified key as a short integer (16 bits).
Public methodGetShortArray
Returns the element corresponding to the specified key as an array of shorts.
Public methodGetText
Returns the element corresponding to the specified key as an UTF-8 string, with max length of 2 GBytes.
Public methodGetUtfString
Returns the element corresponding to the specified key as an UTF-8 string, with max length of 32 KBytes.
Public methodGetUtfStringArray
Returns the element corresponding to the specified key as an array of UTF-8 strings.
Public methodIsNull
Indicates if the value mapped by the specified key is null.
Public methodStatic memberNewFromBinaryData
Returns a new SFSObject instance.
Public methodStatic memberNewFromJsonData
Returns a new ISFSObject instance.
Public methodStatic memberNewInstance
Returns a new SFSObject instance.
Public methodPutBool
Associates the passed boolean value with the specified key in this object.
Public methodPutBoolArray
Associates the passed array of booleans with the specified key in this object.
Public methodPutByte
Associates the passed byte value with the specified key in this object.
Public methodPutByteArray
Associates the passed ByteArray object with the specified key in this object.
Public methodPutClass
Associates the passed custom class instance with the specified key in this object.
Public methodPutDouble
Associates the passed double value with the specified key in this object.
Public methodPutDoubleArray
Associates the passed array of doubles with the specified key in this object.
Public methodPutFloat
Associates the passed float value with the specified key in this object.
Public methodPutFloatArray
Associates the passed array of floats with the specified key in this object.
Public methodPutInt
Associates the passed integer value with the specified key in this object.
Public methodPutIntArray
Associates the passed array of integers with the specified key in this object.
Public methodPutLong
Associates the passed long value with the specified key in this object.
Public methodPutLongArray
Associates the passed array of longs with the specified key in this object.
Public methodPutSFSArray
Associates the passed ISFSArray object with the specified key in this object.
Public methodPutSFSObject
Associates the passed ISFSObject object with the specified key in this object.
Public methodPutShort
Associates the passed short value with the specified key in this object.
Public methodPutShortArray
Associates the passed array of shorts with the specified key in this object.
Public methodPutText
Associates the passed UTF-8 string value (max length: 2 GBytes) with the specified key in this object.
Public methodPutUtfString
Associates the passed UTF-8 string value (max length: 32 KBytes) with the specified key in this object.
Public methodPutUtfStringArray
Associates the passed array of UTF-8 strings with the specified key in this object.
Public methodRemoveElement
Removes the element corresponding to the passed key from this object.
Public methodSize
Indicates the number of elements in this object.
Public methodToBinary
Provides the binary form of this object.
Public methodToJson
Provides the JSON representation of this object.
This class can be thought of as a specialized Dictionary/Map object that can contain any type of data.

The advantage of using the SFSObject class (for example when sending an ExtensionRequest request) is that you can fine tune the way your data is transmitted over the network. For instance, a number like 100 can be transmitted as a normal integer (which takes 32 bits), but also a short (16 bit) or even a byte (8 bit).

SFSObject supports many primitive data types and related arrays of primitives (see the SFSDataType class). It also allows to serialize class instances and rebuild them on the other side (client or server). Check the SmartFoxServer 2X documentation for more informations on this advanced topic.

NOTE: UTF-8/multi-byte strings are not supported in key names. In other words you should restrict key names to standard ASCII characters. It is also recommended to keep key names very short to save bandwidth.

See Also