All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AddBuddy |
APIManager |
BanMode |
BannedUser |
BanUser |
BaseClientRequestHandler |
Using the new SFSExtension base class allows extension developers to register separate request handlers for each possible client request.
BaseGameInvitationCallback |
Basic invitation
BaseMMOItem |
The parent class for all MMOItem implementations.
BaseServerEventHandler |
BaseSFSEventListener |
BaseSFSExtension |
BaseStorageConfig |
Base class for Storage Configuration
BlockBuddy |
BoolMatch |
This matcher is used in MatchExpressions to check boolean conditions
Buddy |
BuddyList |
BuddyListManager |
BuddyOnlineState |
BuddyProperties |
The BuddyProperties class is attached to each User and represents the Buddy status of each User.
BuddySerializerFactory |
BuddyStorage |
BuddyUtils |
BuddyVariable |
ChangeRoomCapacity |
ChangeRoomName |
ChangeRoomPassword |
ClientDisconnectionReason |
Country |
Provides country name and iso code for geolocation.
CreateMMORoomSettings |
The MMORoom Settings extends the basic Room Settings adding new functionalities that are unique to an MMORoom.
CreateMMORoomSettings.MapLimits |
Container data class that holds the minimum and maximum coordinates available in virtual World.
CreateRoom |
CreateRoomSettings |
The Room Settings allow you to configure how a new Room will work under many different aspects, from its size to the events it
can fire, permissions and a lot more.
CreateRoomSettings.RoomExtensionSettings |
Define the Extension settings of the Room
CreateSFSGame |
CreateSFSGameSettings |
This class provides all the settings required to create an SFSGame.
CryptoUtils |
CustomFieldPasswordRecovery |
DBConfig |
The DBConfig class describes all the settings necessary to setup a JDBC connection to the database and to configure the connection pool.
DBRoomStorageConfig |
Provides configuration settings for the Database based Room persistence API
DefaultBuddySerializer |
DefaultPermissionProfile |
DefaultPlayerIdGenerator |
DefaultRoomFactory |
Email |
ExceptionMessageComposer |
ExtensionLogLevel |
ExtensionReloadMode |
FileRoomStorageConfig |
Provides configuration settings for the File based Room persistence API
FilterAction |
FindRooms |
FindUsers |
FSBuddyStorage |
Default (file system based) BuddyStorage class
GenericInvitationCallback |
GenericMessage |
GoOnline |
Handshake |
IBuddySerializer |
IClientRequestHandler |
IDBManager |
IDGenerator |
IDisconnectionReason |
IErrorCode |
IFilter |
IFilterChain |
IFloodFilter<T> |
ILoginAssistantPlugin |
ILoginFinalizer |
IMailerCallbackHandler |
IMailerService |
IMMOItem |
Defines the basic methods of an MMOItem class
IMMOItemVariable |
InitBuddyList |
Instantiation |
Indicates how a dynamic class should be managed by the class that instantiate it
The mode parameter by default is set to NEW_INSTANCE.
Instantiation.InstantiationMode |
InterruptedEventException |
Invitation |
Represents an Invitation object
InvitationCallback |
The InvitationCallback is used to handle the client response to an invitation.
InvitationManager |
InvitationReply |
InvitationResponse |
InviteUser |
IPasswordManager |
IPasswordRecovery |
IPermissionProfile |
IPlayerIdGenerator |
IRoomFactory |
IRoomStorage |
Basic interface for Room Storage implementations.
IServerEventHandler |
ISession |
ISFSArray |
ISFSBuddyApi |
ISFSEvent |
ISFSEventListener |
ISFSEventParam |
ISFSExtension |
ISFSGameApi |
ISFSObject |
ISignUpAssistantPlugin |
ISignUpValidator |
ISystemFilter |
ISystemFilterChain |
IVersion |
IWordFilter |
JoinRoom |
JoinRoomInvitationCallback |
JoinRoomInvite |
KickUser |
LeaveRoom |
LegacyPasswordRecovery |
Loggable |
Login |
LoginAssistantComponent |
LoginConfiguration |
This is the main configuration object used by the Login Assistant to load data from
the user's database.
LoginData |
This object is passed to an ILoginAssistantPlugin at runtime, during the login process.
LoginData |
LoginFinalizer |
Logout |
ManualDisconnection |
MatchExpression |
MatchingUtils |
MD5 |
MessagePriority |
MMOItem |
An MMOItem represents a non-player entity inside an MMORoom.
MMOItemVariable |
MMOItem Variables allow to attach custom properties to MMOItems inside an MMORoom.
MMORoom |
MMORoom.PreviousMMORoomState |
MultiHandler |
Indicates if an handler class (e.g. for extension request/event) handling is a multi-handler.
NumberMatch |
This matcher is used in MatchExpressions to check Numeric conditions
PasswordCheckException |
PasswordMode |
Indicates how the password should be stored in the database
PingPong |
PlayerToSpectator |
PrivilegeManager |
QuickJoinGame |
QuickJoinOrCreateRoom |
ReadOnlyUserVariablesFilter |
This filter can be added to any existing application to provide read-only User Variables.
RecoveryMode |
Determines the mode of the Password Recovery service
RemoveBuddy |
ReservedBuddyVariables |
Contains a series of Reserved BuddyVariables with a special meaning for the BuddyList system:
BV_ONLINE: the Buddy Online status
BV_STATE: the Buddy State message
BV_NICKNAME: the Buddy nickname
ReservedRoomVariables |
The class contains static fields that represent names of "reserved" Room Variables.
Room |
RoomProperties |
A list of additional properties that can be used in MatchExpressions for Room objects
RoomSize |
Represent the size of a Room.
RoomStorageMode |
Provides several modes for the Room Storage API
RoomVariable |
ServerState |
ServerUptime |
Session |
SessionType |
SetBuddyVariables |
SetMMOItemVariables |
SetRoomVariables |
SetUserPosition |
SetUserVariables |
SFS2XVersion |
SFSAdminException |
SFSApi |
SFSArray |
SFSArray and SFSObject represent a platform-neutral, high-level objects that abstract the data transport
between client and server.
SFSArrayLite |
SFSBannedUser |
SFSBannedUserManager |
SFSBootException |
SFSBuddy |
SFSBuddyApi |
Provides all necessary functionalities for managing User buddy lists.
SFSBuddyEventParam |
SFSBuddyList |
An SFSBuddyList represents one BuddyList in the Buddy System.
SFSBuddyListException |
SFSBuddyListManager |
SFSBuddyListNotFoundException |
SFSBuddyProperties |
SFSBuddyVariable |
BuddyVariables are custom values attached to any Buddy in a BuddyList.
SFSCodecException |
SFSCreateGameException |
SFSCreateRoomException |
SFSDataType |
SFSDataWrapper |
SFSDBManager |
SFSDBManager is the default implementation of the IDBManager interface provided by the SFS2X platform.
SFSEmail |
The class represent an email message in either plain text or valid HTML format that can be sent
via the mail service provided by the SmartFoxServer class.
SFSErrorCode |
SFSErrorData |
SFSEvent |
The SFSEvent represents a Server side event.
SFSEventParam |
SFSEventType |
SFSException |
SFSExtension |
The SFSExtension class provides an invocation mechanism that promotes clear separation between
the main extension class and each request and event handlers.
SFSExtensionException |
SFSExtensionFilter |
For a quick introduction see:
SFSExtensionFilterChain |
The Filter Chain allows the developer to configure a number of Filters that will run prior to executing a Client request or dispatching a Server side
SFSFilterInterruptedException |
SFSFloodFilter |
SFSFloodingException |
SFSGame |
SFSGameApi |
Provides specialized API calls for advanced game functionalities: player matching, game invitations/challenges, quick games etc...
SFSGameInvitationCallback |
SFSIDGenerator |
SFSInvitation |
SFSInvitationException |
SFSInvitationManager |
SFSJoinRoomException |
SFSLoginException |
SFSLoginFilterException |
SFSLoginInterruptedException |
Provides advanced features for MMO-related functionalities.
SFSObject |
SFSObject and SFSArray represent a platform-neutral, high level objects that abstract the data transport
between client and server.
SFSObjectLite |
SFSPermissionProfile |
SFSPostOffice |
SFSPostOffice is the default implementation of the IMailerService which is provided by the SmartFoxServer class-
This service provides a simple mailing service capable of sending text and html emails via
a configured SMTP service.
SFSPrivilegeManager |
SFSQuickJoinGameException |
SFSRequestValidationException |
SFSRoom |
SFSRoomEvents |
SFSRoomException |
SFSRoomRemoveMode |
The Remove Mode tells the RoomManager how to auto-remove dynamically created Rooms.
SFSRoomSettings |
These flags are used to configure the Room behavior
SFSRoomVariable |
RoomVariables are custom values attached to each Room object that get automatically updated between client and server
on every change.
SFSRuntimeException |
SFSStorageException |
SFSTooManyRoomsException |
SFSUser |
SFSUserException |
SFSUserVariable |
UserVariables are custom values attached to each User object that get automatically updated between client and server
on every change.
SFSVariableException |
SFSWordFilter |
SFSZone |
SignUpAssistantComponent |
SignUpConfiguration |
Provides all the necessary settings for the SignUpAssistant Component
SignUpConfiguration.EmailConfig |
Configures the options related to sending an email response, after a successful user registration.
SignUpConfiguration.PasswordRecovery |
Configures the Password Recovery feature of the SignUp Assistant.
SignUpErrorCodes |
Provides several error codes that are associated with customizable error messages.
SignUpValidationException |
Signal a validation error during the SignUp process
SmartFoxServer |
SpectatorToPlayer |
StringMatch |
This matcher is used in MatchExpressions to check String conditions
SubscribeRoomGroup |
SysControllerFilter |
A filter can be used to intercept any API client request (not Extension requests) and interact with the parameter,
adding extra validation, custom logic etc...
SysControllerFilterChain |
The SystemFilterChain can contain one or several SystemController Filter instances that can be applied before
a client request is executed by the SystemController.
SystemPermission |
SystemRequest |
TaskScheduler |
TransportType |
UnsubscribeRoomGroup |
User |
UserProperties |
A list of additional properties that can be used in MatchExpressions for User objects
UsersUtil |
UserVariable |
Variable |
VariableType |
Vec3D |
A vector 3D class used for defining coordinates in the MMORoom virtual world.
WebSocketHandshakeException |
Zone |