SFS2X Objective-C API
iOS / macOS / tvOS
#import <ObjectMessageRequest.h>
Inherits GenericMessageRequest.
Instance Methods | |
(id) | - initWithObject:targetRoom:recipients: |
Class Methods | |
(id) | + requestWithObject:targetRoom:recipients: |
(id) | + requestWithObject: |
Send a custom data Object to all users in a Room or a sub-selection of them
(If you are familiar with SmartFoxServer 1.x this request the equivalent of sendObject) The request allow to send a custom data object to all users in the same Room. A typical use of this request is for sending game moves to other players
+ (id) requestWithObject: | (id <ISFSObject>) | obj | |
targetRoom: | (id <Room>) | targetRoom | |
recipients: | (NSArray *) | recipients | |
obj | the custom object |
targetRoom | an optional target room. This room must be joined and by default it is the last joined Room |
recipients | an optional selection of Users in the target Room (by default the message is sent to all Users) |