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lastJoinedRoom — Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.SmartFox
Returns the object representing the last Room joined by the client, if any.
leaveLastJoinedRoom — Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests.game.SFSGameSettings
In private games, indicates whether the players must leave the previous Room when joining the game or not.
LeaveRoomRequest — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests
Leaves one of the Rooms joined by the current user.
LeaveRoomRequest(theRoom:com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities:Room) — Constructor, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests.LeaveRoomRequest
Creates a new LeaveRoomRequest instance.
LESS_THAN — Constant Static Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.match.NumberMatch
An instance of NumberMatch representing the following condition: number1 < number2.
LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO — Constant Static Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.match.NumberMatch
An instance of NumberMatch representing the following condition: number1 <= number2.
loadConfig(filePath:String, connectOnSuccess:Boolean) — method, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.SmartFox
Loads the client configuration file.
logger — Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.SmartFox
Returns a reference to the internal Logger instance used by SmartFoxServer 2X.
Logger — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.logging
The internal logger used by the SmartFoxServer 2X client API.
LoggerEvent — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.logging
LoggerEvent is the class representing all the events dispatched by the SmartFoxServer 2X ActionScript 3 API internal logger.
LoggerEvent(type:String, params:Object) — Constructor, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.logging.LoggerEvent
Creates a new LoggerEvent instance.
loggingLevel — Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.logging.Logger
Determines the current logging level.
logicOp — Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.match.MatchExpression
In case of concatenated expressions, returns the current logical operator.
LogicOperator — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.match
The LogicOperator class is used to concatenate two matching expressions using the AND or OR logical operator.
login — Event, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.SmartFox
Dispatched when the current user performs a successful login in a server Zone.
LOGIN — Constant Static Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
The SFSEvent.LOGIN constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a login event.
loginError — Event, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.SmartFox
Dispatched if an error occurs while the user login is being performed.
LOGIN_ERROR — Constant Static Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
The SFSEvent.LOGIN_ERROR constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a loginError event.
LoginRequest — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests
Logs the current user in one of the server Zones.
LoginRequest(userName:String, password:String, zoneName:String, params:com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.data:ISFSObject) — Constructor, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests.LoginRequest
Creates a new LoginRequest instance.
LogLevel — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.logging
The LogLevel class contains the costants describing the importance levels of logged messages.
logout — Event, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.SmartFox
Dispatched when the current user performs logs out of the server Zone.
LOGOUT — Constant Static Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
The SFSEvent.LOGOUT constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a logout event.
LogoutRequest — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests
Logs the user out of the current server Zone.
LogoutRequest() — Constructor, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests.LogoutRequest
Creates a new LogoutRequest instance.
LONG — Constant Static Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.data.SFSDataType
A long integer (64 bit) value.
LONG_ARRAY — Constant Static Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.data.SFSDataType
An array of long integer values.
lowerLimit — Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests.mmo.MapLimits
Returns the lower coordinates limit of the virtual environment along the X,Y,Z axes.
lowerMapLimit — Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.MMORoom
Returns the lower coordinates limit of the virtual environment represented by the MMORoom along the X,Y,Z axes.
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