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searchableRooms — Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests.game.SFSGameSettings
In private games, defines a list of Groups names where to search players to invite.
secondsForAnswer — Property, interface com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.invitation.Invitation
Returns the number of seconds available to the invitee to reply to the invitation, after which the invitation expires.
secondsForAnswer — Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.invitation.SFSInvitation
Returns the number of seconds available to the invitee to reply to the invitation, after which the invitation expires.
send(request:com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests:IRequest) — method, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.SmartFox
Sends a request to the server.
sendAOIEntryPoint — Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests.mmo.MMORoomSettings
Sets if the users entry points in the current user's Area of Interest should be transmitted in the SFSEvent.PROXIMITY_LIST_UPDATE event.
sessionToken — Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.SmartFox
Returns the unique session token of the client.
SetBuddyVariablesRequest — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests.buddylist
Sets one or more Buddy Variables for the current user.
SetBuddyVariablesRequest(buddyVariables:Array) — Constructor, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests.buddylist.SetBuddyVariablesRequest
Creates a new SetBuddyVariablesRequest instance.
setClientDetails(platformId:String, version:String) — method, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.SmartFox
Allows to specify custom client details that will be used to gather statistics about the client platform via the AdminTool's Analytics Module.
setErrorMessage(code:int, message:String) — Static Method , class com.smartfoxserver.v2.util.SFSErrorCodes
Sets the text of the error message corresponding to the passed error code.
SetRoomVariablesRequest — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests
Sets one or more custom Room Variables in a Room.
SetRoomVariablesRequest(roomVariables:Array, room:com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities:Room) — Constructor, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests.SetRoomVariablesRequest
Creates a new SetRoomVariablesRequest instance.
SetUserPositionRequest — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests.mmo
Updates the User position inside an MMORoom.
SetUserPositionRequest(pos:com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.data:Vec3D, theRoom:com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities:Room) — Constructor, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests.mmo.SetUserPositionRequest
Creates a new SetUserPositionRequest instance.
SetUserVariablesRequest — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests
Sets one or more custom User Variables for the current user.
SetUserVariablesRequest(userVariables:Array) — Constructor, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests.SetUserVariablesRequest
Creates a new SetUserVariablesRequest instance.
setVariable(itemVariable:com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.variables:IMMOItemVariable) — method, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.MMOItem
setVariables(itemVariables:Array) — method, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.MMOItem
SFSArray — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.data
The SFSArray class is used by SmartFoxServer in client-server data transfer.
SFSArray() — Constructor, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.data.SFSArray
Creates a new SFSArray instance.
SFS_ARRAY — Constant Static Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.data.SFSDataType
A SFSArray object.
SFSBuddy — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities
The SFSBuddy object represents a buddy in the current user's buddies list.
SFSBuddy(id:int, name:String, isBlocked:Boolean, isTemp:Boolean) — Constructor, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.SFSBuddy
Creates a new SFSBuddy instance.
SFSBuddyEvent — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.core
SFSBuddyEvent is the class representing all the events related to the Buddy List system dispatched by the SmartFoxServer 2X ActionScript 3 API.
SFSBuddyEvent(type:String, params:Object) — Constructor, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSBuddyEvent
Creates a new SFSBuddyEvent instance.
SFSBuddyManager — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.managers
The SFSBuddyManager class is the entity in charge of managing the current user's Buddy List system.
SFSBuddyManager(sfs:com.smartfoxserver.v2:SmartFox) — Constructor, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.managers.SFSBuddyManager
Creates a new SFSBuddyManager instance.
SFSBuddyVariable — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.variables
The SFSBuddyVariable object represents a SmartFoxServer Buddy Variable entity on the client.
SFSBuddyVariable(name:String, value:any, type:int) — Constructor, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.variables.SFSBuddyVariable
Creates a new SFSBuddyVariable instance.
SFSDataType — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.data
The SFSDataType class contains the costants defining the data types supported by SFSObject and SFSArray classes.
SFSErrorCodes — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.util
The SFSErrorCodes class provides a mean of translation between server error codes and their relative error messages.
SFSEvent — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.core
SFSEvent is the class representing most of the events dispatched by the SmartFoxServer 2X ActionScript 3 API.
SFSEvent(type:String, params:Object) — Constructor, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
Creates a new SFSEvent instance.
SFSGameSettings — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests.game
The SFSGameSettings class is a container for the settings required to create a Game Room using the CreateSFSGameRequest request.
SFSGameSettings(name:String) — Constructor, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests.game.SFSGameSettings
Creates a new SFSGameSettings instance.
SFSInvitation — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.invitation
The SFSInvitation object contains all the informations about an invitation received by the current user.
SFSInvitation(inviter:com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities:User, invitee:com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities:User, secondsForAnswer:int, params:com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.data:ISFSObject) — Constructor, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.invitation.SFSInvitation
Creates a new SFSInvitation instance.
SFSObject — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.data
The SFSObject class is used by SmartFoxServer in client-server data transfer.
SFSObject() — Constructor, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.data.SFSObject
Creates a new SFSObject instance.
SFS_OBJECT — Constant Static Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.data.SFSDataType
A SFSObject object.
SFSRoom — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities
The SFSRoom object represents a SmartFoxServer Room entity on the client.
SFSRoom(id:int, name:String, groupId:String) — Constructor, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.SFSRoom
Creates a new SFSRoom instance.
SFSRoomManager — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.managers
The SFSRoomManager class is the entity in charge of managing the client-side Rooms list.
SFSRoomManager(sfs:com.smartfoxserver.v2:SmartFox) — Constructor, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.managers.SFSRoomManager
Creates a new SFSRoomManager instance.
SFSRoomVariable — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.variables
The SFSRoomVariable object represents a SmartFoxServer Room Variable entity on the client.
SFSRoomVariable(name:String, value:any, type:int) — Constructor, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.variables.SFSRoomVariable
Creates a new SFSRoomVariable instance.
SFSUser — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities
The SFSUser object represents a client logged in SmartFoxServer.
SFSUser(id:int, name:String, isItMe:Boolean) — Constructor, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.SFSUser
Creates a new SFSUser instance.
SFSUserManager — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.managers
The SFSUserManager class is the entity in charge of managing the local (client-side) users list.
SFSUserManager(sfs:com.smartfoxserver.v2:SmartFox) — Constructor, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.managers.SFSUserManager
Creates a new SFSUserManager instance.
SFSUserVariable — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.variables
The SFSUserVariable object represents a SmartFoxServer User Variable entity on the client.
SFSUserVariable(name:String, value:any, type:int) — Constructor, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.variables.SFSUserVariable
Creates a new SFSUserVariable instance.
SHORT — Constant Static Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.data.SFSDataType
A short integer (16 bit) value.
SHORT_ARRAY — Constant Static Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.data.SFSDataType
An array of short integer values.
size() — method, interface com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.data.ISFSArray
Indicates the number of elements in this array.
size() — method, interface com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.data.ISFSObject
Indicates the number of elements in this object.
size() — method, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.data.SFSArray
Indicates the number of elements in this array.
size() — method, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.data.SFSObject
Indicates the number of elements in this object.
SmartFox — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2
SmartFox is the main class of the SmartFoxServer 2X API.
SmartFox(debug:Boolean) — Constructor, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.SmartFox
Creates a new SmartFox instance.
SOCKET — Constant Static Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.util.ConnectionMode
A socket connection is established between the client and the server.
socketError — Event, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.SmartFox
Dispatched when a low level socket error is detected, for example bad/inconsistent data.
SOCKET_ERROR — Constant Static Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
The SFSEvent.SOCKET_ERROR constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a socketError event.
spectatorCount — Property, interface com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.Room
Returns the current number of spectators in this Room (Game Rooms only).
spectatorCount — Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.SFSRoom
Returns the current number of spectators in this Room (Game Rooms only).
SPECTATOR_COUNT — Constant Static Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.match.RoomProperties
The Room spectators count (Game Rooms only).
spectatorList — Property, interface com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.Room
Returns a list of User objects representing the spectators currently inside this Room (Game Rooms only).
spectatorList — Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.SFSRoom
Returns a list of User objects representing the spectators currently inside this Room (Game Rooms only).
spectatorMatchExpression — Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests.game.SFSGameSettings
Defines the game matching expression to be used to filters spectators.
spectatorToPlayer — Event, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.SmartFox
Dispatched when a spectator is turned to a player inside a Game Room.
SPECTATOR_TO_PLAYER — Constant Static Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
The SFSEvent.SPECTATOR_TO_PLAYER constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a spectatorToPlayer event.
spectatorToPlayerError — Event, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.SmartFox
Dispatched when an error occurs while the current user is being turned from spectator to player in a Game Room.
SPECTATOR_TO_PLAYER_ERROR — Constant Static Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
The SFSEvent.SPECTATOR_TO_PLAYER_ERROR constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a spectatorToPlayerError event.
SpectatorToPlayerRequest — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests
Turns the current user from spectator to player in a Game Room.
SpectatorToPlayerRequest(targetRoom:com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities:Room) — Constructor, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests.SpectatorToPlayerRequest
Creates a new SpectatorToPlayerRequest instance.
STANDARD — Constant Static Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.UserPrivileges
The standard user is usually registered in the application custom login system; uses a unique name and password to login.
STARTS_WITH — Constant Static Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.match.StringMatch
An instance of StringMatch representing the following condition: string1 starts with characters contained in string2.
state — Property, interface com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.Buddy
Returns the custom state of this buddy.
state — Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.SFSBuddy
Returns the custom state of this buddy.
STRING — Constant Static Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.variables.VariableType
The type of the User/Room/Buddy Variable is String.
StringMatch — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.match
The StringMatch class is used in matching expressions to check string conditions.
SubscribeRoomGroupRequest — class, package com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests
Subscribes the current user to Room-related events occurring in the specified Group.
SubscribeRoomGroupRequest(groupId:String) — Constructor, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.requests.SubscribeRoomGroupRequest
Creates a new SubscribeRoomGroupRequest instance.
symbol — Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.match.BoolMatch
Returns the condition symbol of this matcher.
symbol — Property, interface com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.match.IMatcher
Returns the condition symbol of this matcher.
symbol — Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.match.NumberMatch
Returns the condition symbol of this matcher.
symbol — Property, class com.smartfoxserver.v2.entities.match.StringMatch
Returns the condition symbol of this matcher.
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