Classpublic class SmartFox
InheritanceSmartFox Inheritance

SmartFox is the main class of the SmartFoxServer 2X API. It is responsible for connecting the client to a SmartFoxServer instance and for dispatching all asynchronous events. Developers always interact with SmartFoxServer through this class.

NOTE: in the provided examples, sfs always indicates a SmartFox instance.

See also

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  buddyManager : IBuddyManager
[read-only] Returns a reference to the Buddy Manager.
  compressionThreshold : int
[read-only] Returns the current compression threshold.
  config : ConfigData
[read-only] Returns the client configuration details.
  connectionMode : String
[read-only] Returns the current connection mode after a connection has been successfully established.
  currentIp : String
[read-only] Returns the IP address of the SmartFoxServer 2X instance to which the client is connected.
  currentPort : int
[read-only] Returns the TCP port of the SmartFoxServer 2X instance to which the client is connected.
  currentZone : String
[read-only] Returns the Zone currently in use, if the user is already logged in.
  debug : Boolean
Indicates whether the client-server messages debug is enabled or not.
  httpUploadURI : String
[read-only] Returns the HTTP URI that can be used to upload files to SmartFoxServer 2X, using regular HTTP POST.
  isConnected : Boolean
[read-only] Indicates whether the client is connected to the server or not.
  joinedRooms : Array
[read-only] Returns a list of Room objects representing the Rooms currently joined by the client.
  lastJoinedRoom : Room
Returns the object representing the last Room joined by the client, if any.
  logger : Logger
[read-only] Returns a reference to the internal Logger instance used by SmartFoxServer 2X.
  maxMessageSize : int
[read-only] Returns the maximum size of messages allowed by the server.
  mySelf : User
Returns the User object representing the client when connected to a SmartFoxServer 2X instance.
  roomList : Array
[read-only] Returns a list of Room objects representing the Rooms currently "watched" by the client.
  roomManager : IRoomManager
[read-only] Returns a reference to the Room Manager.
  sessionToken : String
[read-only] Returns the unique session token of the client.
  udpAvailable : Boolean
[read-only] Indicates whether the UPD protocol is available or not in the current runtime.
  udpInited : Boolean
[read-only] Indicates whether the UDP handshake has been performed successfully or not.
  useBlueBox : Boolean
Indicates whether the client should attempt a tunnelled http connection through the BlueBox in case a socket connection can't be established.
  userManager : IUserManager
[read-only] Returns a reference to the User Manager.
  version : String
[read-only] Returns the current version of the SmartFoxServer 2X ActionScript 3 API.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
SmartFox(debug:Boolean = false)
Creates a new SmartFox instance.
connect(host:String = null, port:int = -1):void
Establishes a connection between the client and a SmartFoxServer 2X instance.
Establishes a connection between the client and a SmartFoxServer 2X instance.
Closes the connection between the client and the SmartFoxServer 2X instance.
enableLagMonitor(enabled:Boolean, interval:int = 4, queueSize:int = 10):void
Enables the automatic realtime monitoring of the lag between the client and the server (round robin).
Retrieves a Room object from its id.
Retrieves a Room object from its name.
Retrieves the list of Rooms which are part of the specified Room Group.
Initializes the connection cryptography.
initUDP(manager:IUDPManager, udpHost:String = null, udpPort:int = -1):void
Initializes the UDP protocol by performing an handshake with the server.
Simulates an abrupt disconnection from the server.
loadConfig(filePath:String = sfs-config.xml, connectOnSuccess:Boolean = true):void
Loads the client configuration file.
Sends a request to the server.
setClientDetails(platformId:String, version:String):void
Allows to specify custom client details that will be used to gather statistics about the client platform via the AdminTool's Analytics Module.
 Event Summary Defined By
  Dispatched when the current user receives a message from an administrator user.SmartFox
  Dispatched when a buddy is added successfully to the current user's buddies list.SmartFox
  Dispatched when a buddy is blocked or unblocked successfully by the current user.SmartFox
  Dispatched if an error occurs while executing a request related to the Buddy List system.SmartFox
  Dispatched if the Buddy List system is successfully initialized.SmartFox
  Dispatched when a message from a buddy is received by the current user.SmartFox
  Dispatched when a buddy in the current user's buddies list changes his online state in the Buddy List system.SmartFox
  Dispatched when a buddy is removed successfully from the current user's buddies list.SmartFox
  Dispatched when a buddy in the current user's buddies list updates one or more Buddy Variables.SmartFox
  Dispatched if an error occurs while loading the external client configuration file.SmartFox
  Dispatched when the external client configuration file is loaded successfully.SmartFox
  Dispatched when a connection between the client and a SmartFoxServer 2X instance is attempted.SmartFox
  Dispatched when the client cannot establish a socket connection to the server and the useBlueBox parameter is active in the configuration.SmartFox
  Dispatched when the connection between the client and the SmartFoxServer 2X instance is interrupted.SmartFox
  Dispatched when the connection between the client and the SmartFoxServer 2X instance is re-established after a temporary disconnection, while the SmartFoxServer 2X HRC system is available in the Zone.SmartFox
  Dispatched when the connection between the client and the SmartFoxServer 2X instance is interrupted abruptly while the SmartFoxServer 2X HRC system is available in the Zone.SmartFox
  Dispatched in return to the initialization of an encrypted connection.SmartFox
  Dispatched when data coming from a server-side Extension is received by the current user.SmartFox
  Dispatched when the current user receives an invitation from another user.SmartFox
  Dispatched when the current user receives a reply to an invitation he sent previously.SmartFox
  Dispatched when an error occurs while the current user is sending a reply to an invitation he received.SmartFox
  Dispatched when the current user performs a successful login in a server Zone.SmartFox
  Dispatched if an error occurs while the user login is being performed.SmartFox
  Dispatched when the current user performs logs out of the server Zone.SmartFox
  Dispatched when an MMOItem Variable is updated in an MMORoom.SmartFox
  Dispatched when the current user receives a message from a moderator user.SmartFox
  Dispatched when an object containing custom data is received by the current user.SmartFox
  Dispatched when a new lag value measurement is available.SmartFox
  Dispatched when a player is turned to a spectator inside a Game Room.SmartFox
  Dispatched when an error occurs while the current user is being turned from player to spectator in a Game Room.SmartFox
  Dispatched when a private message is received by the current user.SmartFox
  Dispatched when one more users or one or more MMOItem objects enter/leave the current user's Area of Interest in MMORooms.SmartFox
  Dispatched when a public message is received by the current user.SmartFox
  Dispatched when a new Room is created inside the Zone under any of the Room Groups that the client subscribed.SmartFox
  Dispatched when the capacity of a Room is changed.SmartFox
  Dispatched when an error occurs while attempting to change the capacity of a Room.SmartFox
  Dispatched if an error occurs while creating a new Room.SmartFox
  Dispatched when a Rooms search is completed.SmartFox
  Dispatched when a Group is subscribed by the current user.SmartFox
  Dispatched when an error occurs while a Room Group is being subscribed.SmartFox
  Dispatched when a Group is unsubscribed by the current user.SmartFox
  Dispatched when an error occurs while a Room Group is being unsubscribed.SmartFox
  Dispatched when a Room is joined by the current user.SmartFox
  Dispatched when an error occurs while the current user is trying to join a Room.SmartFox
  Dispatched when the name of a Room is changed.SmartFox
  Dispatched when an error occurs while attempting to change the name of a Room.SmartFox
  Dispatched when the password of a Room is set, changed or removed.SmartFox
  Dispatched when an error occurs while attempting to set, change or remove the password of a Room.SmartFox
  Dispatched when a Room belonging to one of the Groups subscribed by the client is removed from the Zone.SmartFox
  Dispatched when a Room Variable is updated.SmartFox
  Dispatched when a low level socket error is detected, for example bad/inconsistent data.SmartFox
  Dispatched when a spectator is turned to a player inside a Game Room.SmartFox
  Dispatched when an error occurs while the current user is being turned from spectator to player in a Game Room.SmartFox
  Dispatched when the result of the UDP handshake is notified.SmartFox
  Dispatched when the number of users/players or spectators inside a Room changes.SmartFox
  Dispatched when one of the Rooms joined by the current user is entered by another user.SmartFox
  Dispatched when one of the Rooms joined by the current user is left by another user, or by the current user himself.SmartFox
  Dispatched when a users search is completed.SmartFox
  Dispatched when a User Variable is updated.SmartFox
Property Detail
buddyManager:IBuddyManager  [read-only]

Returns a reference to the Buddy Manager. This manager is used internally by the SmartFoxServer 2X API; the reference returned by this property gives access to the buddies list, allowing interaction with Buddy and BuddyVariable objects and access to user properties in the Buddy List system.

    public function get buddyManager():IBuddyManager
compressionThreshold:int  [read-only]

Returns the current compression threshold.

This value represents the maximum message size (in bytes) before the protocol compression is activated. It is determined by the server configuration.

    public function get compressionThreshold():int
config:ConfigData  [read-only]

Returns the client configuration details. If the configuration hasn't been loaded yet, or passed to the connectWithConfig() method, a null object is returned.

    public function get config():ConfigData

See also

connectionMode:String  [read-only]

Returns the current connection mode after a connection has been successfully established. Possible values are defined as constants in the ConnectionMode class.

    public function get connectionMode():String

See also

The following example traces the current connection mode:
         trace("Connection mode: ", sfs.connectionMode);
currentIp:String  [read-only]

Returns the IP address of the SmartFoxServer 2X instance to which the client is connected.

    public function get currentIp():String

See also

currentPort:int  [read-only]

Returns the TCP port of the SmartFoxServer 2X instance to which the client is connected.

    public function get currentPort():int

See also

currentZone:String  [read-only]

Returns the Zone currently in use, if the user is already logged in.

    public function get currentZone():String

See also


Indicates whether the client-server messages debug is enabled or not. If set to true, detailed debugging informations for all the incoming and outgoing messages are provided.

Debugging can be enabled when instantiating the SmartFox class too.

    public function get debug():Boolean
    public function set debug(value:Boolean):void
httpUploadURI:String  [read-only]

Returns the HTTP URI that can be used to upload files to SmartFoxServer 2X, using regular HTTP POST. For more details on how to use this functionality, see the Upload File tutorial.

NOTE: this property returns null if no API configuration has been set or the current user is not already logged in the server.

    public function get httpUploadURI():String

The following example shows how to upload a file to the server:
         private var fileRef:FileReference = new FileReference();
         private function someMethod():void
             fileRef.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, onFileRefSelect);
             fileRef.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onFileRefComplete);
         private function onFileRefSelect(evt:Event):void
             trace("File selected: " +;
             var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(sfs.httpUploadURI);
             req.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
         private function onFileRefComplete(evt:Event):void
             trace("Upload completed!")
isConnected:Boolean  [read-only]

Indicates whether the client is connected to the server or not.

    public function get isConnected():Boolean

The following example checks the connection status:
         trace("Am I connected?", sfs.isConnected);
joinedRooms:Array  [read-only]

Returns a list of Room objects representing the Rooms currently joined by the client.

NOTE: the same list is returned by the IRoomManager.getJoinedRooms() method, accessible through the roomManager getter; this was replicated on the SmartFox class for handy access due to its usually frequent usage.

    public function get joinedRooms():Array

See also


Returns the object representing the last Room joined by the client, if any. This property is null if no Room was joined.

NOTE: setting the lastJoinedRoom property manually can disrupt the API functioning. Use the JoinRoomRequest request to join a new Room instead.

    public function get lastJoinedRoom():Room
    public function set lastJoinedRoom(value:Room):void

See also

logger:Logger  [read-only]

Returns a reference to the internal Logger instance used by SmartFoxServer 2X.

    public function get logger():Logger
maxMessageSize:int  [read-only]

Returns the maximum size of messages allowed by the server.

Any request exceeding this size will not be sent. The value is determined by the server configuration.

    public function get maxMessageSize():int

Returns the User object representing the client when connected to a SmartFoxServer 2X instance. This object is generated upon successful login only, so it is null if login was not performed yet.

NOTE: setting the mySelf property manually can disrupt the API functioning.

    public function get mySelf():User
    public function set mySelf(value:User):void

See also

roomList:Array  [read-only]

Returns a list of Room objects representing the Rooms currently "watched" by the client. The list contains all the Rooms that are currently joined and all the Rooms belonging to the Room Groups that have been subscribed.

NOTE 1: at login time, the client automatically subscribes all the Room Groups specified in the Zone's Default Room Groups setting.

NOTE 2: the same list is returned by the IRoomManager.getRoomList() method, accessible through the roomManager getter; this was replicated on the SmartFox class for handy access due to its usually frequent usage.

    public function get roomList():Array

See also

roomManager:IRoomManager  [read-only]

Returns a reference to the Room Manager. This manager is used internally by the SmartFoxServer 2X API; the reference returned by this property gives access to the Rooms list and Groups, allowing interaction with Room objects.

    public function get roomManager():IRoomManager
sessionToken:String  [read-only]

Returns the unique session token of the client. The session token is a string sent by the server to the client after the initial handshake. It is required as mean of identification when uploading files to the server.

    public function get sessionToken():String

See also

udpAvailable:Boolean  [read-only]

Indicates whether the UPD protocol is available or not in the current runtime. UPD is available in a ActionScript 3 client if it is executed in the Adobe AIR 2.0 (or higher) runtime only.

Using the UDP protocol in an application requires that a handshake is performed between the client and the server. By default this is NOT done by the SmartFoxServer 2X API, to avoid allocating resources that might never be used. In order to activate the UDP support, the initUDP() method must be invoked explicitly.

    public function get udpAvailable():Boolean

See also

udpInited:Boolean  [read-only]

Indicates whether the UDP handshake has been performed successfully or not.

    public function get udpInited():Boolean

See also


Indicates whether the client should attempt a tunnelled http connection through the BlueBox in case a socket connection can't be established.

NOTE: this property must be set before the connect() method is called. Also, after a connection is established, this property does not return the current connection mode (socket or http); for this purpose use the connectionMode property.

    public function get useBlueBox():Boolean
    public function set useBlueBox(value:Boolean):void

See also

userManager:IUserManager  [read-only]

Returns a reference to the User Manager. This manager is used internally by the SmartFoxServer 2X API; the reference returned by this property gives access to the users list, allowing interaction with User objects.

    public function get userManager():IUserManager
version:String  [read-only]

Returns the current version of the SmartFoxServer 2X ActionScript 3 API.

    public function get version():String

The following example traces the SmartFoxServer API version to the console:
         trace("Current API version:", sfs.version);
Constructor Detail
public function SmartFox(debug:Boolean = false)

Creates a new SmartFox instance.

debug:Boolean (default = false) — If true, the SmartFoxServer API debug messages are logged.

See also

The following example instantiates the SmartFox class while enabling the debug messages:
         var sfs:SmartFox = new SmartFox(true);
Method Detail
public function connect(host:String = null, port:int = -1):void

Establishes a connection between the client and a SmartFoxServer 2X instance. If no argument is passed, the client will use the settings loaded via loadConfig() method. In order to pass full connection settings without loading them from the external configuration file, use the connectWithConfig() method.

The client usually connects to a SmartFoxServer instance through a socket connection. In case a socket connection can't be established, and the useBlueBox property is set to true, a tunnelled http connection through the BlueBox module is attempted. When a successful connection is established, the connectionMode property can be used to check the current connection mode.


host:String (default = null) — The address of the server to connect to.
port:int (default = -1) — The TCP port to connect to.

ArgumentError — If an invalid host/address or port is passed, and it can't be found in the loaded settings.

See also

The following example connects to a local SmartFoxServer 2X instance:
         sfs.connect("", 9933);
public function connectWithConfig(cfg:ConfigData):void

Establishes a connection between the client and a SmartFoxServer 2X instance. The connection details (IP, port, etc) are contained in the passed object.

This is an alternative version of the connect() method. Read the method description for more informations.


cfg:ConfigData — The configuration object.

See also

public function disconnect():void

Closes the connection between the client and the SmartFoxServer 2X instance.

See also

public function enableLagMonitor(enabled:Boolean, interval:int = 4, queueSize:int = 10):void

Enables the automatic realtime monitoring of the lag between the client and the server (round robin). When turned on, the SFSEvent.PING_PONG event type is dispatched continuously, providing the average of the last ten measured lag values. The lag monitoring is automatically halted when the user logs out of a Zone or gets disconnected.

NOTE: the lag monitoring can be enabled after the login has been performed successfully only.


enabled:Boolean — The lag monitoring status: true to start the monitoring, false to stop it.
interval:int (default = 4) — An optional amount of seconds to wait between each query (recommended 3-4s).
queueSize:int (default = 10) — The amount of values stored temporarily and used to calculate the average lag.

See also

public function getRoomById(id:int):Room

Retrieves a Room object from its id.

NOTE: the same object is returned by the IRoomManager.getRoomById() method, accessible through the roomManager getter; this was replicated on the SmartFox class for handy access due to its usually frequent usage.


id:int — The id of the Room.

Room — An object representing the requested Room; null if no Room object with the passed id exists in the Rooms list.

See also

The following example retrieves a Room object and traces its name:
         var roomId:int = 3;
         var room:Room = sfs.getRoomById(roomId);
         trace("The name of Room", roomId, "is",;
public function getRoomByName(name:String):Room

Retrieves a Room object from its name.

NOTE: the same object is returned by the IRoomManager.getRoomByName() method, accessible through the roomManager getter; this was replicated on the SmartFox class for handy access due to its usually frequent usage.


name:String — The name of the Room.

Room — An object representing the requested Room; null if no Room object with the passed name exists in the Rooms list.

See also

The following example retrieves a Room object and traces its id:
         var roomName:String = "The Lobby";
         var room:Room = sfs.getRoomByName(roomName);
         trace("The ID of Room '", roomName, "' is",;
public function getRoomListFromGroup(groupId:String):Array

Retrieves the list of Rooms which are part of the specified Room Group.

NOTE: the same list is returned by the IRoomManager.getRoomListFromGroup() method, accessible through the roomManager getter; this was replicated on the SmartFox class for handy access due to its usually frequent usage.


groupId:String — The name of the Group.

Array — The list of Room objects belonging to the passed Group.

See also

public function initCrypto():void

Initializes the connection cryptography. Once this process is successfully completed all of the server's data will be encrypted using standard AES 128-bit algorithm, with a secure key served over HTTPS.

NOTE: this call must be executed right after a successful connection, before the login is performed.

See also

The following example initializes the encrypted communication:
         var sfs:SmartFox = new SmartFox();
         sfs.addEventListener(SFSEvent.CONNECTION, onConnect);
         sfs.addEventListener(SFSEvent.CRYPTO_INIT, onCryptInit);
         sfs.connect("", 9933);
         function onConnect(evt:SFSEvent):void
             if (evt.param.success)
                 trace("Sorry, connection failed");
         function onCryptInit(evt:SFSEvent):void
             ta_data.text = evt.params.success;
             if (evt.params.success)
                 sfs.send(new LoginRequest("MyName", "MyPassword", "MyZone"));
                 trace("Crypto init failed. Caused by: " + evt.params.errorMsg)
public function initUDP(manager:IUDPManager, udpHost:String = null, udpPort:int = -1):void

Initializes the UDP protocol by performing an handshake with the server. In ActionScript 3, the UDP protocol is available exclusively if the client is executed in the Adobe AIR 2.0 (or higher) runtime. In order to properly activate the UDP support for the AIR runtime, an instance of the AirUDPManager class contained in the SmartFoxServer 2X ActionScript 3 API must be provided. Also, if udpHost or udpPort arguments are not passed, the client will use the settings loaded via loadConfig() method.

This method needs to be called only once. It can be executed at any moment provided that a connection to the server has already been established. After a successful initialization, UDP requests can be sent to the server-side Extension at any moment.

MTU note

The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU), represents the largest amount of bytes that can be sent at once before packet fragmentation occurs. Since the UDP protocol uses a "nothing-or-all" approach to the transmission, it is important to keep in mind that, on average, a message size of 1100-1200 bytes is probably the maximum you can reach. If you exceed the MTU size the data will be "lost in hyperspace" (the Internet).

Another interesting matter is that there is no fixed size for the MTU, because each operating system uses a slightly different value. Because of this we suggest a conservative data size of 1000-1200 bytes per packet, to avoid packet loss. The SFS2X protocol compression allows to send 2-3KBytes of uncompressed data, which usually is squeezed down to a size of ~1000 bytes. If you have a larger amount of data to send, we suggest you to organize it in smaller chunks so that they don't exceed the suggested MTU size.

More details about the MTU can be found at the page linked below.


manager:IUDPManager — An instance of the AirUDPManager class.
udpHost:String (default = null) — The IP address of the server to connect to.
udpPort:int (default = -1) — The UDP port to connect to.

ArgumentError — If an invalid address or port is passed, and it can't be found in the loaded settings.

See also

The following example initializes the UDP communication, sends a request to an Extension and handles the related events:
         private function someMethod():void
             sfs.addEventListener(SFSEvent.UDP_INIT, onUDPInit);
             sfs.initUDP(new AirUDPManager());
         private function onUDPInit(evt:SFSEvent):void
             if (evt.params.success)
                 // Connection successful: execute an Extension call via UDP
                 sfs.send( new ExtensionRequest("udpTest", new SFSObject(), null, true) );
                 trace("UDP initialization failed!");
public function killConnection():void

Simulates an abrupt disconnection from the server. This method should be used for testing and simulations only, otherwise use the disconnect() method.

See also

public function loadConfig(filePath:String = sfs-config.xml, connectOnSuccess:Boolean = true):void

Loads the client configuration file.

The SmartFox instance can be configured through an external XML configuration file loaded at run-time. By default, the loadConfig() method loads a file named "sfs-config.xml", placed in the same folder of the application swf file. If the connectOnSuccess argument is set to true, on loading completion the connect() method is automatically called by the API, otherwise the SFSEvent.CONFIG_LOAD_SUCCESS event type is dispatched. In case of loading error, the SFSEvent.CONFIG_LOAD_FAILURE event type id fired.

In order to pass full connection settings without loading them from the external configuration file, use the connectWithConfig() method.

The external XML configuration file has the following structure; ip, port and zone parameters are mandatory, all other parameters are optional:

         <!-- SFS2X Client Configuration file -->


filePath:String (default = sfs-config.xml) — Filename of the external XML configuration, including its path relative to the folder of the application swf file.
connectOnSuccess:Boolean (default = true) — A flag indicating if the connection to SmartFoxServer must be attempted upon configuration loading completion.

See also

The following example loads an external configuration file and, on loading completion, connects to the server:
         private function someMethod():void
             var sfs:SmartFox = new SmartFox();
             sfs.addEventListener(SFSEvent.CONFIG_LOAD_SUCCESS, onConfigLoaded);
             sfs.addEventListener(SFSEvent.CONFIG_LOAD_FAILURE, onConfigLoadFailed);
             sfs.loadConfig("testConfig.xml", false);
         private function onConfigLoaded(evt:SFSEvent):void
             // Configuration loaded successfully, now connect
         private function onConfigLoadFailed(evt:SFSEvent):void
             trace("Failed loading configuration file");
public function send(request:IRequest):void

Sends a request to the server. All the available request objects can be found in the requests package.


request:IRequest — A request object.

See also

The following example sends a login request:
         sfs.send( new LoginRequest("KermitTheFrog", "KermitPass", "TheMuppetZone") );
The following example sends a "join room" request:
         sfs.send( new JoinRoomRequest("Lobby") );
The following example creates an object containing some parameters and sends it to the server-side Extension:
         var params:ISFSObject = new SFSObject();
         params.putInt("x", 10);
         params.putInt("y", 37);
         sfs.send( new ExtensionRequest("setPosition", params) );
public function setClientDetails(platformId:String, version:String):void

Allows to specify custom client details that will be used to gather statistics about the client platform via the AdminTool's Analytics Module. By default the generic "Flash" label is used as platform, without specifying the version.

NOTE: this method must be called before the connection is started. The length of the two strings combined must be less than 512 characters.


platformId:String — An identification string for the client runtime platform: for example "Flash PlugIn" or "iOS".
version:String — An additional string to specify the version of the runtime platform: for example "2.0.0".

Event Detail
adminMessage Event
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.ADMIN_MESSAGE

Dispatched when the current user receives a message from an administrator user. This event is caused by the AdminMessageRequest request sent by a user with administration privileges.

The SFSEvent.ADMIN_MESSAGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a adminMessage event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

senderUserAn object representing the administrator user who sent the message.
messageStringThe message sent by the administrator.
dataISFSObjectAn object containing custom parameters which might accompany the message.

See also

buddyAdd Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSBuddyEvent
SFSBuddyEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSBuddyEvent.BUDDY_ADD

Dispatched when a buddy is added successfully to the current user's buddies list. This event is fired in response to the AddBuddyRequest request in case the operation is executed successfully.

The SFSBuddyEvent.BUDDY_ADD constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a buddyAdd event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

buddyBuddyThe Buddy object corresponding to the buddy that was added.

See also

buddyBlock Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSBuddyEvent
SFSBuddyEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSBuddyEvent.BUDDY_BLOCK

Dispatched when a buddy is blocked or unblocked successfully by the current user. This event is fired in response to the BlockBuddyRequest request in case the operation is executed successfully.

The SFSBuddyEvent.BUDDY_BLOCK constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a buddyBlock event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

buddyBuddyThe Buddy object corresponding to the buddy that was blocked/unblocked.

See also

buddyError Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSBuddyEvent
SFSBuddyEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSBuddyEvent.BUDDY_ERROR

Dispatched if an error occurs while executing a request related to the Buddy List system. For example, this event is fired in response to the AddBuddyRequest request, the BlockBuddyRequest, etc.

The SFSBuddyEvent.BUDDY_ERROR constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a buddyError event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

errorMessageStringThe message which describes the error.
errorCodeintThe error code.
buddyListInit Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSBuddyEvent
SFSBuddyEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSBuddyEvent.BUDDY_LIST_INIT

Dispatched if the Buddy List system is successfully initialized. This event is fired in response to the InitBuddyListRequest request in case the operation is executed successfully.

After the Buddy List system initialization, the user returns to his previous custom state (if any - see IBuddyManager.myState property). His online/offline state, his nickname and his persistent Buddy Variables are all loaded and broadcast in the system. In particular, the online state (see IBuddyManager.myOnlineState property) determines if the user will appear online or not to other users who have him in their buddies list.

The SFSBuddyEvent.BUDDY_LIST_INIT constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a buddyListInit event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

buddyListArrayA list of Buddy objects representing all the buddies in the current user's buddies list.
myVariablesArrayA list of all the Buddy Variables associated with the current user.

See also

buddyMessage Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSBuddyEvent
SFSBuddyEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSBuddyEvent.BUDDY_MESSAGE

Dispatched when a message from a buddy is received by the current user. This event is fired in response to the BuddyMessageRequest request.

NOTE: the same event is fired by the sender's client too, so that the user is aware that the message was delivered successfully to the recipient, and it can be displayed in the chat area keeping the correct message ordering. As in this case the value of the buddy parameter is null (because, being the sender, the user is not buddy to himself of course), there is no default way to know who the message was originally sent to. As this information can be useful in scenarios where the sender is chatting with more than one buddy at the same time in separate windows or tabs (and we need to write his own message in the proper one), the data parameter can be used to store, for example, the id of the recipient buddy.

The SFSBuddyEvent.BUDDY_MESSAGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a buddyMessage event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

buddyBuddyThe Buddy object representing the message sender. If the isItMe parameter is true, the value of this parameter is null (because a user is not buddy to himself).
isItMeBooleantrue if the message sender is the current user himself (in this case this event is a sort of message delivery confirmation).
messageStringThe message text.
dataISFSObjectAn instance of SFSObject containing additional custom parameters (e.g. the message color, an emoticon id, etc).

See also

buddyOnlineStateChange Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSBuddyEvent
SFSBuddyEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSBuddyEvent.BUDDY_ONLINE_STATE_UPDATE

Dispatched when a buddy in the current user's buddies list changes his online state in the Buddy List system. This event is fired in response to the GoOnlineRequest request.

NOTE: this event is dispatched to those who have the user as a buddy, but also to the user himself. As in this case the value of the buddy parameter is null (because the user is not buddy to himself of course), the isItMe parameter should be used to check if the current user is the one who changed his own online state.

The SFSBuddyEvent.BUDDY_ONLINE_STATE_UPDATE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a buddyOnlineStateChange event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

buddyBuddyThe Buddy object representing the buddy who changed his own online state. If the isItMe parameter is true, the value of this parameter is null (because a user is not buddy to himself).
isItMeBooleantrue if the online state was changed by the current user himself (in this case this event is a sort of state change confirmation).

See also

buddyRemove Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSBuddyEvent
SFSBuddyEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSBuddyEvent.BUDDY_REMOVE

Dispatched when a buddy is removed successfully from the current user's buddies list. This event is fired in response to the RemoveBuddyRequest request in case the operation is executed successfully.

The SFSBuddyEvent.BUDDY_REMOVE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a buddyRemove event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

buddyBuddyThe Buddy object corresponding to the buddy that was removed.

See also

buddyVariablesUpdate Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSBuddyEvent
SFSBuddyEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSBuddyEvent.BUDDY_VARIABLES_UPDATE

Dispatched when a buddy in the current user's buddies list updates one or more Buddy Variables. This event is fired in response to the SetBuddyVariablesRequest request.

NOTE: this event is dispatched to those who have the user as a buddy, but also to the user himself. As in this case the value of the buddy parameter is null (because the user is not buddy to himself of course), the isItMe parameter should be used to check if the current user is the one who updated his own Buddy Variables.

The SFSBuddyEvent.BUDDY_VARIABLES_UPDATE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a buddyVariablesUpdate event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

buddyBuddyThe Buddy object representing the buddy who updated his own Buddy Variables. If the isItMe parameter is true, the value of this parameter is null (because a user is not buddy to himself).
isItMeBooleantrue if the Buddy Variables were updated by the current user himself (in this case this event is a sort of update confirmation).
changedVarsArrayThe list of names of the Buddy Variables that were changed (or created for the first time).

See also

configLoadFailure Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.CONFIG_LOAD_FAILURE

Dispatched if an error occurs while loading the external client configuration file. This event is fired in response to a call to the loadConfig() method, typically when the configuration file is not found or it isn't accessible (no read permissions).

The SFSEvent.CONFIG_LOAD_FAILURE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a configLoadFailure event.

No parameters are available for this event object.

See also

configLoadSuccess Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.CONFIG_LOAD_SUCCESS

Dispatched when the external client configuration file is loaded successfully. This event is fired in response to a call to the loadConfig() method, but only if the connectOnSuccess argument of the loadConfig() method is set to false; otherwise the connection is attempted and the related SFSEvent.CONNECTION event type is fired.

The SFSEvent.CONFIG_LOAD_SUCCESS constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a configLoadSuccess event.

No parameters are available for this event object.

See also

connection Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.CONNECTION

Dispatched when a connection between the client and a SmartFoxServer 2X instance is attempted. This event is fired in response to a call to the connect() method.

The SFSEvent.CONNECTION constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a connection event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

successBooleanThe connection result: true if a connection was established, false otherwise.

See also

connectionAttemptHttp Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.CONNECTION_ATTEMPT_HTTP

Dispatched when the client cannot establish a socket connection to the server and the useBlueBox parameter is active in the configuration.

The event can be used to notify the user that a second connection attempt is running, using the BlueBox (HTTP tunnelling).

The SFSEvent.CONNECTION_ATTEMPT_HTTP constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a connectionAttemptHttp event.

No parameters are available for this event object.

connectionLost Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.CONNECTION_LOST

Dispatched when the connection between the client and the SmartFoxServer 2X instance is interrupted. This event is fired in response to a call to the disconnect() method.

The SFSEvent.CONNECTION_LOST constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a connectionLost event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

reasonStringThe reason of the disconnection, among those available in the ClientDisconnectionReason class.

See also

connectionResume Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.CONNECTION_RESUME

Dispatched when the connection between the client and the SmartFoxServer 2X instance is re-established after a temporary disconnection, while the SmartFoxServer 2X HRC system is available in the Zone.

The HRC system allows a broken connection to be re-established transparently within a certain amount of time, without loosing any of the current application state. For example this allows any player to get back to a game without loosing the match because of a sloppy internet connection.

When this event is dispatched the application interface should be reverted to the state it had before the disconnection. In case the reconnection attempt fails, the connectionLost event is fired.

The SFSEvent.CONNECTION_RESUME constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a connectionResume event.

No parameters are available for this event object.

See also

connectionRetry Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.CONNECTION_RETRY

Dispatched when the connection between the client and the SmartFoxServer 2X instance is interrupted abruptly while the SmartFoxServer 2X HRC system is available in the Zone.

The HRC system allows a broken connection to be re-established transparently within a certain amount of time, without loosing any of the current application state. For example this allows any player to get back to a game without loosing the match because of a sloppy internet connection.

When this event is dispatched the API enter a "freeze" mode where no new requests can be sent until the reconnection is successfully performed. It is highly recommended to handle this event and freeze the application interface accordingly until the connectionResume event is fired, or the reconnection fails and the user is definitely disconnected and the connectionLost event is fired.

The SFSEvent.CONNECTION_RETRY constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a connectionRetry event.

No parameters are available for this event object.

See also

cryptoInit Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.CRYPTO_INIT

Dispatched in return to the initialization of an encrypted connection. This event is fired in response to a call to the initCrypto() method.

The SFSEvent.CRYPTO_INIT constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a cryptoInit call.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

successBooleantrue if a unique encryption key was successfully retrieved via HTTPS, false if the transaction failed.
errorMsgStringIf success is false, provides additional details on the occurred error.

See also

extensionResponse Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.EXTENSION_RESPONSE

Dispatched when data coming from a server-side Extension is received by the current user. Data is usually sent by the server to one or more clients in response to an ExtensionRequest request, but not necessarily.

The SFSEvent.EXTENSION_RESPONSE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a extensionResponse event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

cmdStringThe name of the command which identifies an action that should be executed by the client. If this event is fired in response to a request sent by the client, it is a common practice to use the same command name passed to the request also in the response.
paramsISFSObjectAn object containing custom data sent by the Extension.
sourceRoomNumber[DEPRECATED - Use room property] The id of the Room which the Extension is attached to (for Room Extensions only).
roomRoomAn object representing the Room which the Extension is attached to (for Room Extensions only).
packetIdNumberThe id of the packet when the UDP protocol is used. As this is an auto-increment value generated by the server, it can be useful to detect UDP packets received in the wrong order.

See also

invitation Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.INVITATION

Dispatched when the current user receives an invitation from another user. This event is caused by the InviteUsersRequest request; the user is supposed to reply using the InvitationReplyRequest request.

The SFSEvent.INVITATION constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a invitation event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

invitationInvitationAn object representing the invitation received by the current user.

See also

invitationReply Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.INVITATION_REPLY

Dispatched when the current user receives a reply to an invitation he sent previously. This event is caused by the InvitationReplyRequest request sent by the invitee.

The SFSEvent.INVITATION_REPLY constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a invitationReply event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

inviteeUserAn object representing the user who replied to the invitation.
replyintThe answer to the invitation among those available as constants in the InvitationReply class.
dataISFSObjectAn object containing custom parameters, for example a message describing the reason of refusal.

See also

invitationReplyError Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.INVITATION_REPLY_ERROR

Dispatched when an error occurs while the current user is sending a reply to an invitation he received. This event is fired in response to the InvitationReplyRequest request in case the operation failed.

The SFSEvent.INVITATION_REPLY_ERROR constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a invitationReplyError event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

errorMessageStringA message containing the description of the error.
errorCodeintThe error code.

See also

login Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.LOGIN

Dispatched when the current user performs a successful login in a server Zone. This event is fired in response to the LoginRequest request.

The SFSEvent.LOGIN constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a login event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

userUserAn object representing the user who performed the login.
dataISFSObjectAn object containing custom parameters returned by a custom login system, if any.

See also

loginError Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.LOGIN_ERROR

Dispatched if an error occurs while the user login is being performed. This event is fired in response to the LoginRequest request in case the operation failed.

The SFSEvent.LOGIN_ERROR constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a loginError event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

errorMessageStringA message containing the description of the error.
errorCodeintThe error code.

See also

logout Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.LOGOUT

Dispatched when the current user performs logs out of the server Zone. This event is fired in response to the LogoutRequest request.

The SFSEvent.LOGOUT constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a logout event.

No parameters are available for this event object.

See also

mmoItemVariablesUpdate Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.MMOITEM_VARIABLES_UPDATE

Dispatched when an MMOItem Variable is updated in an MMORoom. This event is caused by an MMOItem Variable being set, updated or deleted in a server side Extension, and it is received only if the current user has the related MMOItem in his Area of Interest.

The SFSEvent.MMOITEM_VARIABLES_UPDATE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a mmoItemVariablesUpdate event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event have the following values:

roomMMORoomThe MMORoom where the MMOItem whose Variables have been updated is located.
mmoItemMMOItemThe MMOItem whose variables have been updated.
changedVarsArrayThe list of names of the MMOItem Variables that were changed (or created for the first time).

See also

moderatorMessage Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.MODERATOR_MESSAGE

Dispatched when the current user receives a message from a moderator user. This event can be caused by either the ModeratorMessageRequest, KickUserRequest or BanUserRequest requests sent by a user with at least moderation privileges. Also, this event can be caused by a kick/ban action performed through the SmartFoxServer 2X Administration Tool.

The SFSEvent.MODERATOR_MESSAGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a moderatorMessage event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

senderUserAn object representing the moderator user who sent the message.
messageStringThe message sent by the moderator.
dataISFSObjectAn object containing custom parameters which might accompany the message.

See also

objectMessage Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.OBJECT_MESSAGE

Dispatched when an object containing custom data is received by the current user. This event is caused by an ObjectMessageRequest request sent by any user in the target Room.

The SFSEvent.OBJECT_MESSAGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a objectMessage event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

senderUserAn object representing the user who sent the message.
messageSFSObjectThe content of the message: an object containing the custom parameters sent by the sender.

See also

pingPong Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.PING_PONG

Dispatched when a new lag value measurement is available. This event is fired when the automatic lag monitoring is turned on by passing true to the enableLagMonitor() method.

The SFSEvent.PING_PONG constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a pingPong event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

lagValueintThe average of the last ten measured lag values, expressed in milliseconds.

See also

playerToSpectator Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.PLAYER_TO_SPECTATOR

Dispatched when a player is turned to a spectator inside a Game Room. This event is fired in response to the PlayerToSpectatorRequest> request if the operation is executed successfully.

The SFSEvent.PLAYER_TO_SPECTATOR constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a playerToSpectator event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

roomRoomAn object representing the Room in which the player is turned to spectator.
userUserAn object representing the player who was turned to spectator.

See also

playerToSpectatorError Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.PLAYER_TO_SPECTATOR_ERROR

Dispatched when an error occurs while the current user is being turned from player to spectator in a Game Room. This event is fired in response to the PlayerToSpectatorRequest request in case the operation failed.

The SFSEvent.PLAYER_TO_SPECTATOR_ERROR constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a playerToSpectatorError event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

errorMessageStringA message containing the description of the error.
errorCodeintThe error code.

See also

privateMessage Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.PRIVATE_MESSAGE

Dispatched when a private message is received by the current user. This event is caused by a PrivateMessageRequest request sent by any user in the Zone.

NOTE: the same event is fired by the sender's client too, so that the user is aware that the message was delivered successfully to the recipient, and it can be displayed in the private chat area keeping the correct message ordering. In this case there is no default way to know who the message was originally sent to. As this information can be useful in scenarios where the sender is chatting privately with more than one user at the same time in separate windows or tabs (and we need to write his own message in the proper one), the data parameter can be used to store, for example, the id of the recipient user.

The SFSEvent.PRIVATE_MESSAGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a privateMessage event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

senderUserAn object representing the user who sent the message.
messageStringThe message sent by the user.
dataISFSObjectAn object containing custom parameters which might accompany the message.

See also

proximityListUpdate Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.PROXIMITY_LIST_UPDATE

Dispatched when one more users or one or more MMOItem objects enter/leave the current user's Area of Interest in MMORooms. This event is fired after an MMORoom is joined and the SetUserPositionRequest request is sent at least one time.

NOTE: this event substitutes the default SFSEvent.USER_ENTER_ROOM and SFSEvent.USER_EXIT_ROOM events available in regular Rooms.

The SFSEvent.PROXIMITY_LIST_UPDATE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a proximityListUpdate event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

roomRoomThe Room in which the event occurred.
addedUsersArrayA list of User objects representing the users who entered the current user's Area of Interest.
removedUsersArrayA list of User objects representing the users who left the current user's Area of Interest.
addedItemsArrayA list of MMOItem objects which entered the current user's Area of Interest.
removedItemsArrayA list of MMOItem objects which left the current user's Area of Interest.

See also

publicMessage Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.PUBLIC_MESSAGE

Dispatched when a public message is received by the current user. This event is caused by a PublicMessageRequest request sent by any user in the target Room, including the current user himself.

The SFSEvent.PUBLIC_MESSAGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a publicMessage event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

roomRoomAn object representing the Room at which the message is targeted.
senderUserAn object representing the user who sent the message.
messageStringThe message sent by the user.
dataISFSObjectAn object containing custom parameters which might accompany the message.

See also

roomAdd Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.ROOM_ADD

Dispatched when a new Room is created inside the Zone under any of the Room Groups that the client subscribed. This event is fired in response to the CreateRoomRequest and CreateSFSGameRequest requests in case the operation is executed successfully.

The SFSEvent.ROOM_ADD constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a roomAdd event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

roomRoomAn object representing the Room that was created.

See also

roomCapacityChange Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.ROOM_CAPACITY_CHANGE

Dispatched when the capacity of a Room is changed. This event is fired in response to the ChangeRoomCapacityRequest request if the operation is executed successfully.

The SFSEvent.ROOM_CAPACITY_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a roomCapacityChange event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

roomRoomAn object representing the Room whose capacity was changed.

See also

roomCapacityChangeError Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.ROOM_CAPACITY_CHANGE_ERROR

Dispatched when an error occurs while attempting to change the capacity of a Room. This event is fired in response to the ChangeRoomCapacityRequest request in case the operation failed.

The SFSEvent.ROOM_CAPACITY_CHANGE_ERROR constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a roomCapacityChangeError event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

errorMessageStringA message containing the description of the error.
errorCodeintThe error code.

See also

roomCreationError Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.ROOM_CREATION_ERROR

Dispatched if an error occurs while creating a new Room. This event is fired in response to the CreateRoomRequest and CreateSFSGameRequest requests in case the operation failed.

The SFSEvent.ROOM_CREATION_ERROR constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a roomCreationError event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

errorMessageStringA message containing the description of the error.
errorCodeintThe error code.

See also

roomFindResult Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.ROOM_FIND_RESULT

Dispatched when a Rooms search is completed. This event is fired in response to the FindRoomsRequest request to return the search result.

The SFSEvent.ROOM_FIND_RESULT constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a roomFindResult event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

roomsArrayA list of Room objects representing the Rooms matching the search criteria. If no Room is found, the list is empty.

See also

roomGroupSubscribe Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.ROOM_GROUP_SUBSCRIBE

Dispatched when a Group is subscribed by the current user. This event is fired in response to the SubscribeRoomGroupRequest> request if the operation is executed successfully.

The SFSEvent.ROOM_GROUP_SUBSCRIBE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a roomGroupSubscribe event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

groupIdStringThe name of the Group that was subscribed.
newRoomsArrayA list of Room objects representing the Rooms belonging to the subscribed Group.

See also

roomGroupSubscribeError Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.ROOM_GROUP_SUBSCRIBE_ERROR

Dispatched when an error occurs while a Room Group is being subscribed. This event is fired in response to the SubscribeRoomGroupRequest request in case the operation failed.

The SFSEvent.ROOM_GROUP_SUBSCRIBE_ERROR constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a roomGroupSubscribeError event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

errorMessageStringA message containing the description of the error.
errorCodeintThe error code.

See also

roomGroupUnsubscribe Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.ROOM_GROUP_UNSUBSCRIBE

Dispatched when a Group is unsubscribed by the current user. This event is fired in response to the UnsubscribeRoomGroupRequest> request if the operation is executed successfully.

The SFSEvent.ROOM_GROUP_UNSUBSCRIBE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a roomGroupUnsubscribe event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

groupIdStringThe name of the Group that was unsubscribed.

See also

roomGroupUnsubscribeError Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.ROOM_GROUP_UNSUBSCRIBE_ERROR

Dispatched when an error occurs while a Room Group is being unsubscribed. This event is fired in response to the UnsubscribeRoomGroupRequest request in case the operation failed.

The SFSEvent.ROOM_GROUP_UNSUBSCRIBE_ERROR constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a roomGroupUnsubscribeError event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

errorMessageStringA message containing the description of the error.
errorCodeintThe error code.

See also

roomJoin Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.ROOM_JOIN

Dispatched when a Room is joined by the current user. This event is fired in response to the JoinRoomRequest and QuickJoinGameRequest requests in case the operation is executed successfully.

The SFSEvent.ROOM_JOIN constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a roomJoin event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

roomRoomAn object representing the Room that was joined.

See also

roomJoinError Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.ROOM_JOIN_ERROR

Dispatched when an error occurs while the current user is trying to join a Room. This event is fired in response to the JoinRoomRequest request in case the operation failed.

The SFSEvent.ROOM_JOIN_ERROR constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a roomJoinError event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

errorMessageStringA message containing the description of the error.
errorCodeintThe error code.

See also

roomNameChange Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.ROOM_NAME_CHANGE

Dispatched when the name of a Room is changed. This event is fired in response to the ChangeRoomNameRequest request if the operation is executed successfully.

The SFSEvent.ROOM_NAME_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a roomNameChange event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

roomRoomAn object representing the Room which was renamed.
oldNameStringThe previous name of the Room.

See also

roomNameChangeError Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.ROOM_NAME_CHANGE_ERROR

Dispatched when an error occurs while attempting to change the name of a Room. This event is fired in response to the ChangeRoomNameRequest request in case the operation failed.

The SFSEvent.ROOM_NAME_CHANGE_ERROR constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a roomNameChangeError event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

errorMessageStringA message containing the description of the error.
errorCodeintThe error code.

See also

roomPasswordStateChange Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.ROOM_PASSWORD_STATE_CHANGE

Dispatched when the password of a Room is set, changed or removed. This event is fired in response to the ChangeRoomPasswordStateRequest request if the operation is executed successfully.

The SFSEvent.ROOM_PASSWORD_STATE_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a roomPasswordStateChange event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

roomRoomAn object representing the Room whose password was changed.

See also

roomPasswordStateChangeError Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.ROOM_PASSWORD_STATE_CHANGE_ERROR

Dispatched when an error occurs while attempting to set, change or remove the password of a Room. This event is fired in response to the ChangeRoomPasswordStateRequest request in case the operation failed.

The SFSEvent.ROOM_PASSWORD_STATE_CHANGE_ERROR constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a roomPasswordStateChangeError event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

errorMessageStringA message containing the description of the error.
errorCodeintThe error code.

See also

roomRemove Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.ROOM_REMOVE

Dispatched when a Room belonging to one of the Groups subscribed by the client is removed from the Zone.

The SFSEvent.ROOM_REMOVE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a roomRemove event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

roomRoomAn object representing the Room that was removed.

See also

roomVariablesUpdate Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.ROOM_VARIABLES_UPDATE

Dispatched when a Room Variable is updated. This event is caused by the SetRoomVariablesRequest request. The request could have been sent by a user in the same Room of the current user or, in case of a global Room Variable, by a user in a Room belonging to one of the Groups subscribed by the current client.

The SFSEvent.ROOM_VARIABLES_UPDATE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a roomVariablesUpdate event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

roomRoomAn object representing the Room where the Room Variable update occurred.
changedVarsArrayThe list of names of the Room Variables that were changed (or created for the first time).

See also

socketError Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.SOCKET_ERROR

Dispatched when a low level socket error is detected, for example bad/inconsistent data.

The SFSEvent.SOCKET_ERROR constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a socketError event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

errorMessageStringThe description of the error.
spectatorToPlayer Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.SPECTATOR_TO_PLAYER

Dispatched when a spectator is turned to a player inside a Game Room. This event is fired in response to the SpectatorToPlayerRequest> request if the operation is executed successfully.

The SFSEvent.SPECTATOR_TO_PLAYER constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a spectatorToPlayer event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

roomRoomAn object representing the Room in which the spectator is turned to player.
userUserAn object representing the spectator who was turned to player.
playerIdintThe player id of the user.

See also

spectatorToPlayerError Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.SPECTATOR_TO_PLAYER_ERROR

Dispatched when an error occurs while the current user is being turned from spectator to player in a Game Room. This event is fired in response to the SpectatorToPlayerRequest request in case the operation failed.

The SFSEvent.SPECTATOR_TO_PLAYER_ERROR constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a spectatorToPlayerError event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

errorMessageStringA message containing the description of the error.
errorCodeintThe error code.

See also

udpInit Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.UDP_INIT

Dispatched when the result of the UDP handshake is notified. This event is fired in response to a call to the initUDP() method.

The SFSEvent.UDP_INIT constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a udpInit event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

successBooleantrue if UDP connection initialization is successful, false otherwise.

See also

userCountChange Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.USER_COUNT_CHANGE

Dispatched when the number of users/players or spectators inside a Room changes. This event is caused by a JoinRoomRequest request or a LeaveRoomRequest request. The Room must belong to one of the Groups subscribed by the current client; also this event might be fired or not depending on the Room configuration defined upon its creation (see the setting).

The SFSEvent.USER_COUNT_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a userCountChange event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

roomRoomAn object representing the Room in which the users count changed.
uCountintThe new users count (players in case of Game Room).
sCountintThe new spectators count (Game Room only).

See also

userEnterRoom Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.USER_ENTER_ROOM

Dispatched when one of the Rooms joined by the current user is entered by another user. This event is caused by a JoinRoomRequest request; it might be fired or not depending on the Room configuration defined upon its creation (see the setting).

NOTE: if the Room is of type MMORoom, this event is never fired and it is substituted by the SFSEvent.PROXIMITY_LIST_UPDATE event.

The SFSEvent.USER_ENTER_ROOM constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a userEnterRoom event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

userUserAn object representing the user who joined the Room.
roomRoomAn object representing the Room that was joined by a user.

See also

userExitRoom Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.USER_EXIT_ROOM

Dispatched when one of the Rooms joined by the current user is left by another user, or by the current user himself. This event is caused by a LeaveRoomRequest request; it might be fired or not depending on the Room configuration defined upon its creation (see the setting).

NOTE: if the Room is of type MMORoom, this event is fired when the current user leaves the Room only. For the other users leaving the Room it is substituted by the SFSEvent.PROXIMITY_LIST_UPDATE event.

The SFSEvent.USER_EXIT_ROOM constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a userExitRoom event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

userUserAn object representing the user who left the Room.
roomRoomAn object representing the Room that was left by a user.

See also

userFindResult Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.USER_FIND_RESULT

Dispatched when a users search is completed. This event is fired in response to the FindUsersRequest request to return the search result.

The SFSEvent.USER_FIND_RESULT constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a userFindResult event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

usersArrayA list of User objects representing the users matching the search criteria. If no user is found, the list is empty.

See also

userVariablesUpdate Event  
Event Object Type: com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent
SFSEvent.type property = com.smartfoxserver.v2.core.SFSEvent.USER_VARIABLES_UPDATE

Dispatched when a User Variable is updated. This event is caused by the SetUserVariablesRequest request sent by a user in one of the Rooms joined by the current user.

The SFSEvent.USER_VARIABLES_UPDATE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a userVariablesUpdate event.

The properties of the params object contained in the event object have the following values:

userUserAn object representing the user who updated his own User Variables.
changedVarsArrayThe list of names of the User Variables that were changed (or created for the first time).

See also