SmartFoxServer 2X C++ API
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CSfs2X::Requests::Buddylist::AddBuddyRequestAdd a new Buddy to the current Buddy List
 CSfs2X::Requests::AdminMessageRequestSend a Admin Message to a specific User or groups of Users
 CSfs2X::Requests::BanUserRequestBanish a User from the system (for moderators and admins only)
 CSfs2X::Core::BaseEventThis is the Base class of all Events in the API
 CSfs2X::Core::SFSBuddyEventThis class contains all the Buddy List API related events
 CSfs2X::Core::SFSEventThis is the main SmartFox Event class. All major system events are found here.
 CSfs2X::Requests::Buddylist::BlockBuddyRequestBlock/Unblock a Buddy in the User's BuddyList
 CSfs2X::Entities::SFSBuddyThe SFSBuddy class represent a Buddy in the User's Buddy List
 CSfs2X::Requests::Buddylist::BuddyMessageRequestBuddyMessage(s) are similar to private chat messages but are specifically designed for the Buddy List system.
 CSfs2X::Requests::ChangeRoomCapacityRequestChange the capacity of a Room (maxUsers and maxSpectators) at runtime.
 CSfs2X::Requests::ChangeRoomNameRequestChange the name of a Room at runtime.
 CSfs2X::Requests::ChangeRoomPasswordStateRequestChanges the password of a Room at runtime.
 CSfs2X::Util::ConfigDataThe ConfigData class stores the client configuration data loaded from an external XML file or passed directly to the deputy connect method.
 CSfs2X::Requests::CreateRoomRequestCreates a new Room in the current Zone
 CSfs2X::Requests::Game::CreateSFSGameRequestThe request launches a new public or private game, including game invitations, player matching and a lot more.
 CSfs2X::Util::CryptoInitializerInitializer for encryption
 CSfs2X::Util::CryptoKeyThe encryption key
 CSfs2X::Requests::ExtensionRequestSends a request to a Zone or Room Extension.
 CSfs2X::Requests::FindRoomsRequestSearch Rooms in the system by matching their variables and properties against a MatchExpression
 CSfs2X::Requests::FindUsersRequestSearch Users in the system by matching their variables and properties against a MatchExpression
 CSfs2X::Requests::Buddylist::GoOnlineRequestToggles the Buddy ONLINE status of the User.
 CSfs2X::Requests::HandshakeRequestThis request is used by the API sub-system at connection time. It's not intended for other uses.
 CSfs2X::Entities::Managers::IBuddyManagerThe BuddyList Manager interface
 CSfs2X::Entities::Managers::SFSBuddyManagerThe class manages the current User's Buddy List
 CSfs2X::Entities::Match::BoolMatchThis matcher is used in MatchExpressions to check boolean conditions
 CSfs2X::Entities::Match::NumberMatchThis matcher is used in MatchExpressions to check numeric conditions
 CSfs2X::Entities::Match::StringMatchThis matcher is used in MatchExpressions to check String conditions
 CSfs2X::Entities::IMMOItemThe IMMOItem interface defines all the methods and properties that an object representing a SmartFoxServer MMOItem entity exposes.
 CSfs2X::Entities::MMOItemAn MMOItem object represents an active non-player entity inside an MMORoom.
 CSfs2X::Requests::Buddylist::InitBuddyListRequestInitializes the BuddyList system.
 CSfs2X::Entities::Invitation::InvitationRepresents an Invitation object
 CSfs2X::Entities::Invitation::SFSInvitationInvitation object
 CSfs2X::Requests::Game::InvitationReplyRequestSend a reply to an Invitation.
 CSfs2X::Requests::Game::InviteUsersRequestSend one or more generic invitations to a list of Users.
 CSfs2X::Entities::Managers::IRoomManagerThe Room Manager interface
 CSfs2X::Entities::Data::ISFSArraySFSArray interface
 CSfs2X::Entities::Data::ISFSObjectSFSObject interface
 CSfs2X::Entities::Managers::IUserManagerThe User Manager interface
 CSfs2X::Entities::Managers::SFSUserManagerManages the local Users.
 CSfs2X::Requests::Game::JoinRoomInvitationRequestSends an invitation to other users/players to join a specific Room.
 CSfs2X::Requests::JoinRoomRequestJoin the current User in a Room.
 CSfs2X::Requests::KickUserRequestKicks a User out of the server (for moderators and admins only)
 CSfs2X::Requests::LeaveRoomRequestLeaves a currently joined Room
 CSfs2X::Logging::LoggerThe internal logger used by the SmartFoxServer 2X client API.
 CSfs2X::Entities::Match::LogicOperatorThe LogicOperator is used to concatenate two MatchExpression together using a logical AND / OR operator
 CSfs2X::Requests::LoginRequestJoin one of the Zones in the Server.
 CSfs2X::Requests::LogoutRequestLog out of the current Zone
 CSfs2X::Requests::ManualDisconnectionRequestThis is used by the system. Never send this directly.
 CSfs2X::Entities::Match::MatchExpressionMatch Expressions are built like "if" conditions in any common programming language.
 CSfs2X::Requests::MessageRecipientModeThis class is used to specify the recipient mode for Moderator Messages and Administrator Message.
 CSfs2X::Requests::ModeratorMessageRequestSend a Moderator Message to a specific User or groups of Users
 CSfs2X::Requests::ObjectMessageRequestSend a custom data Object to all users in a Room or a sub-selection of them
 CSfs2X::Util::PasswordUtilHelper class for logging in with a pre-hashed password
 CSfs2X::Requests::PingPongRequestSends a ping-pong request in order to measure the current lag
 CSfs2X::Requests::PlayerToSpectatorRequestAttempt to turn the current User from Player to a Spectator (in a Game Room)
 CSfs2X::Requests::PrivateMessageRequestSend a chat Private Message to another User
 CSfs2X::Requests::PublicMessageRequestSends a chat Public Message to other users in the Room
 CSfs2X::Requests::Game::QuickJoinGameRequestQuick join a User in a public game.
 CSfs2X::Requests::Buddylist::RemoveBuddyRequestRemove a new Buddy fron the current Buddy List
 CSfs2X::Requests::RoomEventsThis class provides Room event settings that can be specified when creating a new Room via the CreateRoomRequest
 CSfs2X::Requests::RoomExtensionThis object is part of the RoomSettings parameters used for creating a new Room.
 CSfs2X::Requests::RoomPermissionsThis object is part of the RoomSettings parameters used for creating a new Room.
 CSfs2X::Entities::Match::RoomPropertiesA list of additional properties that can be used in MatchExpressions for Room objects
 CSfs2X::Requests::RoomSettingsThis class provides the Room settings that you can pass to a CreateRoomRequest
 CSfs2X::Requests::Game::SFSGameSettingsThis class provides all the settings required to create an SFSGame(*).
 CSfs2X::Requests::Buddylist::SetBuddyVariablesRequestSets one or more BuddyVariables for the current User. This will update all Users in the Zona who have this User as Buddy in their Buddy Lists.
 CSfs2X::Requests::SetRoomVariablesRequestSet custom Room Variables in a Room
 CSfs2X::Requests::SetUserVariablesRequestSet custom User Variables for the current User
 CSfs2X::Entities::Data::SFSDataWrapperA wrapper object used by SFSObject and SFSArray to encapsulate data and relative types
 CSfs2X::Util::SFSErrorCodesProvides a mean of translation between Server error codes and their relative error messages.
 CSfs2X::Entities::SFSRoomThe Room object represent a server Room.
 CSfs2X::Entities::MMORoomThe MMORoom object represents a specialized type of Room entity on the client.
 CSfs2X::SmartFoxSmartFox is the main class of the SmartFoxServer 2X API.
 CSfs2X::Requests::SpectatorToPlayerRequestAttempt to turn the current User from Spectator into a Player (in a Game Room)
 CSfs2X::Requests::SubscribeRoomGroupRequestSubscribe to the events of a Room Group
 CSfs2X::Requests::UnsubscribeRoomGroupRequestStop listening to events of a specific Room Group
 CSfs2X::Entities::UserThe User interface defines all the methods and properties that an object representing a SmartFoxServer User entity exposes.
 CSfs2X::Entities::SFSUserThe User object represent a client logged in the Server.
 CSfs2X::Entities::Match::UserPropertiesA list of additional properties that can be used in MatchExpressions for User objects
 CSfs2X::Entities::Variables::VariableThe Variable interface defines all the default public methods and properties that an object representing a SmartFoxServer Variable exposes.
 CSfs2X::Entities::Variables::BaseVariableThe BaseVariable object is the base class for all SmartFoxServer Variable entities on the client.
 CSfs2X::Entities::Variables::MMOItemVariableThe MMOItemVariable object represents a SmartFoxServer MMOItem Variable entity on the client.
 CSfs2X::Entities::Variables::SFSBuddyVariableBuddyVariables are custom values attached to any Buddy in a BuddyList.
 CSfs2X::Entities::Variables::SFSRoomVariableThe RoomVariable class is used to represent variables maintained on the Server side and automatically updated to the clients.
 CSfs2X::Entities::Variables::SFSUserVariableThe SFSUserVariable object represents a SmartFoxServer User Variable entity on the client.
 CSfs2X::Entities::Variables::IMMOItemVariableThe IMMOItemVariable interface defines all the public methods and properties that an object representing a SmartFoxServer MMOItem Variable exposes.
 CSfs2X::Entities::Variables::MMOItemVariableThe MMOItemVariable object represents a SmartFoxServer MMOItem Variable entity on the client.
 CSfs2X::Entities::Variables::UserVariableThe UserVariable interface defines all the public methods and properties that an object representing a SmartFoxServer User Variable exposes.
 CSfs2X::Entities::Variables::SFSUserVariableThe SFSUserVariable object represents a SmartFoxServer User Variable entity on the client.
 CSfs2X::Entities::Data::Vec3DThe Vec3D object represents a position in a 2D or 3D space.