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MMORoomSettings Properties

The MMORoomSettings type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowOwnerOnlyInvitation
Specifies if the Room allows "Join Room" invitations to be sent by any user or just by its owner.
(Inherited from RoomSettings.)
Public propertyCode exampleDefaultAOI
Defines the Area of Interest (AoI) for the MMORoom.
Public propertyEvents
Defines the flags indicating which events related to the Room are dispatched by the SmartFox client.
(Inherited from RoomSettings.)
Public propertyExtension
Defines the Extension that must be attached to the Room on the server-side, and its settings.
(Inherited from RoomSettings.)
Public propertyGroupId
Defines the id of the Group to which the Room should belong.
(Inherited from RoomSettings.)
Public propertyIsGame
Indicates whether the Room is a Game Room or not.
(Inherited from RoomSettings.)
Public propertyMapLimits
Defines the limits of the virtual environment represented by the MMORoom.
Public propertyMaxSpectators
Defines the maximum number of spectators allowed in the Room (only for Game Rooms).
(Inherited from RoomSettings.)
Public propertyMaxUsers
Defines the maximum number of users allowed in the Room.
(Inherited from RoomSettings.)
Public propertyMaxVariables
Defines the maximum number of Room Variables allowed for the Room.
(Inherited from RoomSettings.)
Public propertyName
Defines the name of the Room.
(Inherited from RoomSettings.)
Public propertyPassword
Defines the password of the Room.
(Inherited from RoomSettings.)
Public propertyPermissions
Defines the flags indicating which operations are permitted on the Room.
(Inherited from RoomSettings.)
Public propertyProximityListUpdateMillis
Configures the speed at which the PROXIMITY_LIST_UPDATE event is sent by the server.
Public propertySendAOIEntryPoint
Sets if the users entry points in the current user's Area of Interest should be transmitted in the PROXIMITY_LIST_UPDATE event.
Public propertyUserMaxLimboSeconds
Defines the time limit before a user without a physical position set inside the MMORoom is kicked from the Room.
Public propertyVariables
Defines a list of RooomVariable objects to be attached to the Room.
(Inherited from RoomSettings.)
See Also