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Dispatched when data coming from a server-side Extension is received by the current user.

Namespace:  Sfs2X.Core
Assembly:  SmartFox2X (in SmartFox2X.dll) Version: (1.8.0)
public static readonly string EXTENSION_RESPONSE

Field Value

Type: String
Data is usually sent by the server to one or more clients in response to an ExtensionRequest request, but not necessarily.

The Params object contains the following parameters:

cmd(string) The name of the command which identifies an action that should be executed by the client. If this event is fired in response to a request sent by the client, it is a common practice to use the same command name passed to the request also in the response.
sourceRoom(int) [DEPRECATED - Use room property] The id of the Room which the Extension is attached to (for Room Extensions only).
room(Room) An object representing the Room which the Extension is attached to (for Room Extensions only).
params(ISFSObject) An object containing custom data sent by the Extension.
packetId(long) The id of the packet when the UDP protocol is used. As this is an auto-increment value generated by the server, it can be useful to detect UDP packets received in the wrong order (for UDP communication only).
See the ExtensionRequest example.
See Also