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SFSEvent Fields

The SFSEvent type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleADMIN_MESSAGE
Dispatched when the current user receives a message from an administrator user.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleCONFIG_LOAD_FAILURE
Dispatched when an error occurs while loading the external SmartFox configuration file.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleCONFIG_LOAD_SUCCESS
Dispatched when the external client configuration file is loaded successfully.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleCONNECTION
Dispatched when a connection between the client and a SmartFoxServer 2X instance is attempted.
Public fieldStatic memberCONNECTION_ATTEMPT_HTTP
Dispatched when the client cannot establish a socket connection to the server and the useBlueBox parameter is active in the configuration.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleCONNECTION_LOST
Dispatched when the connection between the client and the SmartFoxServer 2X instance is interrupted.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleCONNECTION_RESUME
Dispatched when the connection between the client and the SmartFoxServer 2X instance is re-established after a temporary disconnection, while the SmartFoxServer 2X HRC system is available in the Zone.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleCONNECTION_RETRY
Dispatched when the connection between the client and the SmartFoxServer 2X instance is interrupted abruptly while the SmartFoxServer 2X HRC system is available in the Zone.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleCRYPTO_INIT
Dispatched in return to the initialization of an encrypted connection.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleEXTENSION_RESPONSE
Dispatched when data coming from a server-side Extension is received by the current user.
Public fieldStatic memberHANDSHAKE
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleINVITATION
Dispatched when the current user receives an invitation from another user.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleINVITATION_REPLY
Dispatched when the current user receives a reply to an invitation he sent previously.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleINVITATION_REPLY_ERROR
Dispatched when an error occurs while the current user is sending a reply to an invitation he received.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleLOGIN
Dispatched when the current user performs a successful login in a server Zone.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleLOGIN_ERROR
Dispatched if an error occurs while the user login is being performed.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleLOGOUT
Dispatched when the current user performs logs out of the server Zone.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleMMOITEM_VARIABLES_UPDATE
Dispatched when an MMOItem Variable is updated in an MMORoom.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleMODERATOR_MESSAGE
Dispatched when the current user receives a message from a moderator user.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleOBJECT_MESSAGE
Dispatched when an object containing custom data is received by the current user.
Public fieldStatic memberPING_PONG
Dispatched when a new lag value measurement is available.
Public fieldStatic memberCode examplePLAYER_TO_SPECTATOR
Dispatched when a player is turned to a spectator inside a Game Room.
Public fieldStatic memberCode examplePLAYER_TO_SPECTATOR_ERROR
Dispatched when an error occurs while the current user is being turned from player to spectator in a Game Room.
Public fieldStatic memberCode examplePRIVATE_MESSAGE
Dispatched when a private message is received by the current user.
Public fieldStatic memberCode examplePROXIMITY_LIST_UPDATE
Dispatched when one more users or one or more MMOItem objects enter/leave the current user's Area of Interest in MMORooms.
Public fieldStatic memberCode examplePUBLIC_MESSAGE
Dispatched when a public message is received by the current user.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleROOM_ADD
Dispatched when a new Room is created inside the Zone under any of the Room Groups that the client subscribed.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleROOM_CAPACITY_CHANGE
Dispatched when the capacity of a Room is changed.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleROOM_CAPACITY_CHANGE_ERROR
Dispatched when an error occurs while attempting to change the capacity of a Room.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleROOM_CREATION_ERROR
Dispatched if an error occurs while creating a new Room.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleROOM_FIND_RESULT
Dispatched when a Rooms search is completed.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleROOM_GROUP_SUBSCRIBE
Dispatched when a Group is subscribed by the current user.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleROOM_GROUP_SUBSCRIBE_ERROR
Dispatched when an error occurs while a Room Group is being subscribed.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleROOM_GROUP_UNSUBSCRIBE
Dispatched when a Group is unsubscribed by the current user.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleROOM_GROUP_UNSUBSCRIBE_ERROR
Dispatched when an error occurs while a Room Group is being unsubscribed.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleROOM_JOIN
Dispatched when a Room is joined by the current user.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleROOM_JOIN_ERROR
Dispatched when an error occurs while the current user is trying to join a Room.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleROOM_NAME_CHANGE
Dispatched when the name of a Room is changed.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleROOM_NAME_CHANGE_ERROR
Dispatched when an error occurs while attempting to change the name of a Room.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleROOM_PASSWORD_STATE_CHANGE
Dispatched when the password of a Room is set, changed or removed.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleROOM_PASSWORD_STATE_CHANGE_ERROR
Dispatched when an error occurs while attempting to set, change or remove the password of a Room.
Public fieldStatic memberROOM_REMOVE
Dispatched when a Room belonging to one of the Groups subscribed by the client is removed from the Zone.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleROOM_VARIABLES_UPDATE
Dispatched when a Room Variable is updated.
Public fieldStatic memberSOCKET_ERROR
Dispatched when a low level socket error is detected, for example bad/inconsistent data.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleSPECTATOR_TO_PLAYER
Dispatched when a spectator is turned to a player inside a Game Room.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleSPECTATOR_TO_PLAYER_ERROR
Dispatched when an error occurs while the current user is being turned from spectator to player in a Game Room.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleUDP_INIT
Dispatched when the result of the UDP handshake is notified.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleUSER_COUNT_CHANGE
Dispatched when the number of users/players or spectators inside a Room changes.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleUSER_ENTER_ROOM
Dispatched when one of the Rooms joined by the current user is entered by another user.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleUSER_EXIT_ROOM
Dispatched when one of the Rooms joined by the current user is left by another user, or by the current user himself.
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleUSER_FIND_RESULT
Dispatched when a users search is completed
Public fieldStatic memberCode exampleUSER_VARIABLES_UPDATE
Dispatched when a User Variable is updated.
See Also