Package sfs2x.client

Class SmartFox

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    sfs2x.client.core.IDispatchable, ISmartFox

    public class SmartFox
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements sfs2x.client.core.IDispatchable, ISmartFox
    SmartFox is the main class of the SmartFoxServer 2X API. It is responsible for connecting the client to a SmartFoxServer instance and for dispatching all asynchronous events. Developers always interact with SmartFoxServer through this class.

    NOTE: in the provided examples, sfs always indicates a SmartFox instance.

    1.8.x (with Overcast Clustering support)
    See Also:,
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      SmartFox​(boolean debug)
      Creates a new SmartFox instance.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addEventListener​(java.lang.String eventType, IEventListener listener)
      * API internal usage only *
      void addJoinedRoom​(Room room)
      * API internal usage only *
      void connect()  
      void connect​(java.lang.String host)  
      void connect​(java.lang.String host, int port)
      Establishes a connection between the client and a SmartFoxServer 2X instance.
      void connect​(ConfigData configuration)
      Allows to connect to the server by passing a configuration object instead of loading the configuration from an external XML file.
      void disconnect()
      Closes the connection between the client and the SmartFoxServer 2X instance.
      void dispatchEvent​(BaseEvent evt)
      * API internal usage only *
      void enableLagMonitor​(boolean enabled)  
      void enableLagMonitor​(boolean enabled, int interval)  
      void enableLagMonitor​(boolean enabled, int interval, int queueSize)
      Enables the automatic realtime monitoring of the lag between the client and the server (round robin) When turned on, the SFSEvent.PING_PONG event type is dispatched continuously, providing the average of the last ten measured lag values.
      IBuddyManager getBuddyManager()
      Returns a reference to the Buddy Manager.
      int getCompressionThreshold()
      Returns the current compression threshold.
      ConfigData getConfig()
      Returns the client configuration details.
      java.lang.String getConnectionMode()
      Returns the current connection mode after a connection has been successfully established.
      java.lang.String getCurrentIp()
      Returns the IP address of the SmartFoxServer 2X instance to which the client is connected.
      int getCurrentPort()
      Returns the TCP port of the SmartFoxServer 2X instance to which the client is connected.
      java.lang.String getCurrentZone()
      Returns the Zone currently in use, if the user is already logged in.
      sfs2x.client.core.EventDispatcher getDispatcher()
      * API internal usage only *
      java.lang.String getHttpUploadURI()
      Returns the HTTP URI that can be used to upload files to, using regular HTTP POST.
      java.util.List<Room> getJoinedRooms()
      Returns a list of Room objects representing the Rooms currently joined by the client.
      sfs2x.client.util.LagMonitor getLagMonitor()
      * API internal usage only *
      Room getLastJoinedRoom()
      Returns the object representing the last Room joined by the client, if any.
      org.slf4j.Logger getLogger()
      Returns a reference to the internal Logger instance used by SmartFoxServer 2X.
      int getMaxMessageSize()
      Returns the maximum size of messages allowed by the server.
      User getMySelf()
      Returns the User object representing the client when connected to a SmartFoxServer 2X instance.
      java.lang.String getNodeId()
      * Cluster only *
      int getReconnectionSeconds()
      * API internal usage only *
      Room getRoomById​(int id)
      Retrieves a Room object from its id.
      Room getRoomByName​(java.lang.String name)
      Retrieves a Room object from its name.
      java.util.List<Room> getRoomList()
      Returns a list of Room objects representing the Rooms currently "watched" by the client.
      java.util.List<Room> getRoomListFromGroup​(java.lang.String groupId)
      Retrieves the list of Rooms which are part of the specified Room Group.
      IRoomManager getRoomManager()
      Returns a reference to the Room Manager.
      java.lang.String getSessionToken()
      Returns the unique session token.
      sfs2x.client.bitswarm.BitSwarmClient getSocketEngine()
      * API internal usage only *
      IUserManager getUserManager()
      Returns a reference to the User Manager.
      java.lang.String getVersion()
      Returns the current version of the SmartFoxServer 2X Java Client API.
      void handleClientDisconnection​(java.lang.String reason)
      * API internal usage only *
      void handleHandShake​(BaseEvent evt)
      * API internal usage only *
      void handleLogin​(BaseEvent evt)
      * API internal usage only *
      void handleLogout()
      * API internal usage only *
      void initCrypto()
      Initializes the connection cryptography.
      void initUdp()  
      void initUdp​(java.lang.String udpHost)  
      void initUdp​(java.lang.String udpHost, int udpPort)
      Initializes the UDP protocol by performing an handshake with the server.
      boolean isConnected()
      Indicates whether the client is connected to the server or not.
      boolean isConnecting()
      * API internal usage only *
      boolean isDebug()
      Indicates whether the client-server messages debug is enabled or not.
      boolean isJoining()
      * API internal usage only *
      boolean isUdpInited()
      Indicates whether the UDP handshake has been performed successfully or not.
      void killConnection()
      This method is for testing purposes only, otherwise use the disconnect() method.
      void loadConfig()  
      void loadConfig​(boolean connectOnSuccess)  
      void loadConfig​(java.lang.String filePath)  
      void loadConfig​(java.lang.String filePath, boolean connectOnSuccess)
      Loads the client configuration file.
      void removeAllEventListeners()
      * API internal usage only *
      void removeEventListener​(java.lang.String eventType, IEventListener listener)
      * API internal usage only *
      void removeJoinedRoom​(Room room)
      * API internal usage only *
      void send​(sfs2x.client.requests.IRequest request)
      Sends a request to the server.
      void setClientDetails​(java.lang.String platformId, java.lang.String version)
      Allows to specify custom client details that will be used to gather statistics about the client platform via the SFS2X Analytics Module.
      void setDebug​(boolean debug)  
      void setJoining​(boolean joining)
      * API internal usage only *
      void setLastJoinedRoom​(Room lastJoinedRoom)
      * API internal usage only *
      void setMySelf​(User mySelf)
      * API internal usage only *
      void setNodeId​(java.lang.String value)
      * API internal usage only *
      void setReconnectionSeconds​(int seconds)
      * API internal usage only *
      void setUseBlueBox​(boolean useBlueBox)  
      boolean useBlueBox()
      Indicates whether the client should attempt a tunnelled http connection through the BlueBox in case a socket connection can't be established.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • SmartFox

        public SmartFox​(boolean debug)
        Creates a new SmartFox instance.
        debug - If true, the SmartFoxServer API debug messages are logged.

        The following example instantiates the SmartFox class while enabling the debug messages:

         SmartFox sfs = new SmartFox(true);
        See Also:
      • SmartFox

        public SmartFox()
    • Method Detail

      • isConnecting

        public boolean isConnecting()
        * API internal usage only *
      • setClientDetails

        public void setClientDetails​(java.lang.String platformId,
                                     java.lang.String version)

        Allows to specify custom client details that will be used to gather statistics about the client platform via the SFS2X Analytics Module. By default the generic "Android" label is used as platform, without specifying the version.

        This method must be called before the connection is started.
        The length of the two strings combined must be < 512 characters.

        Specified by:
        setClientDetails in interface ISmartFox
        platformId - the id of the platform (e.g. Java2SE, Android etc...)
        version - the version of the platform
      • enableLagMonitor

        public void enableLagMonitor​(boolean enabled,
                                     int interval,
                                     int queueSize)
        Enables the automatic realtime monitoring of the lag between the client and the server (round robin) When turned on, the SFSEvent.PING_PONG event type is dispatched continuously, providing the average of the last ten measured lag values. The lag monitoring is automatically halted when the User logs out of a Zone or gets disconnected

        NOTE: the lag monitoring can be enabled after the login has been performed successfully only.

        enabled - The lag monitoring status: true to start the monitoring, false to stop it.
        interval - An optional amount of seconds to pause between each query (recommended 3-4s)
        queueSize - The amount of values stored temporarily and used to calculate the average lag
        See Also:
      • getSocketEngine

        public sfs2x.client.bitswarm.BitSwarmClient getSocketEngine()
        * API internal usage only *
        Specified by:
        getSocketEngine in interface ISmartFox
      • getLagMonitor

        public sfs2x.client.util.LagMonitor getLagMonitor()
        * API internal usage only *
        Specified by:
        getLagMonitor in interface ISmartFox
      • isConnected

        public boolean isConnected()
        Indicates whether the client is connected to the server or not.

        The following example checks the connection status:

         System.out.println("Am I connected?" + sfs.isConnected());
        Specified by:
        isConnected in interface ISmartFox
      • getVersion

        public java.lang.String getVersion()
        Returns the current version of the SmartFoxServer 2X Java Client API.

        The following example traces the SmartFoxServer API version to the console:

         System.out.println("Current API version:" + sfs.getVersion());
      • getConfig

        public ConfigData getConfig()
        Returns the client configuration details. If the configuration hasn't been loaded yet, a null object is returned.
        Specified by:
        getConfig in interface ISmartFox
        See Also:
      • useBlueBox

        public boolean useBlueBox()
        Indicates whether the client should attempt a tunnelled http connection through the BlueBox in case a socket connection can't be established.

        NOTE: this property must be set before the connect() method is called. Also, after a connection is established, this property does not return the current connection mode (socket or http); for this purpose use the connectionMode property.

        See Also:
        getConnectionMode(), loadConfig()
      • setUseBlueBox

        public void setUseBlueBox​(boolean useBlueBox)
        See Also:
      • getConnectionMode

        public java.lang.String getConnectionMode()
        Returns the current connection mode after a connection has been successfully established. Possible values are defined as constants in the ConnectionMode class.

        The following example traces the current connection mode:

         System.out.println("Connection mode: " + sfs.getConnectionMode());
        See Also:
      • getCompressionThreshold

        public int getCompressionThreshold()
        Returns the current compression threshold.

        This value represents the maximum message size (in bytes) before the protocol compression is activated. It is determined by the server configuration.

      • getMaxMessageSize

        public int getMaxMessageSize()
        Returns the maximum size of messages allowed by the server.

        Any request exceeding this size will not be sent. The value is determined by the server configuration.

      • getHttpUploadURI

        public java.lang.String getHttpUploadURI()
        Returns the HTTP URI that can be used to upload files to, using regular HTTP POST. For more details on how to use this functionality see the Upload File tutorial. NOTE: this property will return null if no API configuration has been set or the local User is not already logged in the server.
      • getRoomById

        public Room getRoomById​(int id)
        Retrieves a Room object from its id.

        NOTE: the same object is returned by the IRoomManager.getRoomById() method, accessible through the roomManager getter; this was replicated on the SmartFox class for handy access due to its usually frequent usage.

        id - The id of the Room.

        The following example retrieves a Room object and traces its name:

         int roomId = 3;
         Room room = sfs.getRoomById(roomId);
         System.out.println("The name of Room " + roomId + " is " + room.getName());
        An object representing the requested Room; null if no Room object with the passed id exists in the Rooms list.
        See Also:
        getRoomByName(String), getRoomList(), getRoomManager()
      • getRoomByName

        public Room getRoomByName​(java.lang.String name)
        Retrieves a Room object from its name.

        NOTE: the same object is returned by the IRoomManager.getRoomByName() method, accessible through the roomManager getter; this was replicated on the SmartFox class for handy access due to its usually frequent usage.

        name - The name of the Room.

        The following example retrieves a Room object and traces its id:

         String roomName = "The Lobby";
         Room room = sfs.getRoomByName(roomName);
         System.out.println("The ID of Room '" + roomName + "' is " + room.getId());
        An object representing the requested Room; null if no Room object with the passed name exists in the Rooms list.
        See Also:
        getRoomById(int), getRoomList(), getRoomManager()
      • getRoomListFromGroup

        public java.util.List<Room> getRoomListFromGroup​(java.lang.String groupId)
        Retrieves the list of Rooms which are part of the specified Room Group.

        NOTE: the same list is returned by the IRoomManager.getRoomListFromGroup() method, accessible through the roomManager getter; this was replicated on the SmartFox class for handy access due to its usually frequent usage.

        groupId - The name of the Group.
        The list of Room objects belonging to the passed Group.
        See Also:
        getRoomManager(), Room
      • connect

        public void connect​(java.lang.String host,
                            int port)
        Establishes a connection between the client and a SmartFoxServer 2X instance. If no argument is passed, the client will use the settings loaded via loadConfig() method.

        The client usually connects to a SmartFoxServer instance through a socket connection. In case a socket connection can't be established, and the useBlueBox property is set to true, a tunnelled http connection through the BlueBox module is attempted. When a successful connection is established, the connectionMode property can be used to check the current connection mode.

        host - The address of the server to connect to.
        port - The TCP port to connect to.

        The following example connects to a local SmartFoxServer 2X instance:

         sfs.connect("", 9933);
        ArgumentError - If an invalid host/address or port is passed, and it can't be found in the loaded settings.
        See Also:
        loadConfig(), setUseBlueBox(boolean), getConnectionMode(), disconnect(), SFSEvent.CONNECTION
      • connect

        public void connect​(ConfigData configuration)
        Allows to connect to the server by passing a configuration object instead of loading the configuration from an external XML file.
        configuration - the configuration object
        See Also:
      • killConnection

        public void killConnection()

        This method is for testing purposes only, otherwise use the disconnect() method.

        It allows to generate a sudden disconnection that can be used to test how the application responds to a drop of the connection or the reconnection system (HRC+).

        See Also:
        disconnect(), Reconnection system (HRC+)
      • isDebug

        public boolean isDebug()
        Indicates whether the client-server messages debug is enabled or not. If set to true, detailed debugging informations for all the incoming and outgoing messages are provided.

        Debugging can be enabled when instantiating the SmartFox class too.

        Specified by:
        isDebug in interface ISmartFox
      • setDebug

        public void setDebug​(boolean debug)
        See Also:
      • getCurrentIp

        public java.lang.String getCurrentIp()
        Returns the IP address of the SmartFoxServer 2X instance to which the client is connected.
        See Also:
        getCurrentPort(), connect(), loadConfig()
      • getCurrentPort

        public int getCurrentPort()
        Returns the TCP port of the SmartFoxServer 2X instance to which the client is connected.
        See Also:
        getCurrentIp(), connect(), loadConfig()
      • getCurrentZone

        public java.lang.String getCurrentZone()
        Returns the Zone currently in use, if the user is already logged in.
        See Also:
        loadConfig(), LoginRequest
      • getMySelf

        public User getMySelf()
        Returns the User object representing the client when connected to a SmartFoxServer 2X instance. This object is generated upon successful login only, so it is null if login was not performed yet.

        NOTE: setting the mySelf property manually can disrupt the API functioning.

        Specified by:
        getMySelf in interface ISmartFox
        See Also:
        User.isItMe(), LoginRequest
      • setMySelf

        public void setMySelf​(User mySelf)
        * API internal usage only *
        Specified by:
        setMySelf in interface ISmartFox
      • getLogger

        public org.slf4j.Logger getLogger()
        Returns a reference to the internal Logger instance used by SmartFoxServer 2X.
        Specified by:
        getLogger in interface ISmartFox
      • getLastJoinedRoom

        public Room getLastJoinedRoom()
        Returns the object representing the last Room joined by the client, if any. This property is null if no Room was joined.

        NOTE: setting the lastJoinedRoom property manually can disrupt the API functioning. Use the JoinRoomRequest request to join a new Room instead.

        Specified by:
        getLastJoinedRoom in interface ISmartFox
        See Also:
        getJoinedRooms(), JoinRoomRequest
      • setLastJoinedRoom

        public void setLastJoinedRoom​(Room lastJoinedRoom)
        * API internal usage only *
        Specified by:
        setLastJoinedRoom in interface ISmartFox
      • getJoinedRooms

        public java.util.List<Room> getJoinedRooms()
        Returns a list of Room objects representing the Rooms currently joined by the client.

        NOTE: the same list is returned by the IRoomManager.getJoinedRooms() method, accessible through the roomManager getter; this was replicated on the SmartFox class for handy access due to its usually frequent usage.

        Specified by:
        getJoinedRooms in interface ISmartFox
        See Also:
        getLastJoinedRoom(), getRoomManager(), Room, JoinRoomRequest
      • getRoomList

        public java.util.List<Room> getRoomList()
        Returns a list of Room objects representing the Rooms currently "watched" by the client. The list contains all the Rooms that are currently joined and all the Rooms belonging to the Room Groups that have been subscribed.

        NOTE 1: at login time, the client automatically subscribes all the Room Groups specified in the Zone's Default Room Groups setting.

        NOTE 2: the same list is returned by the IRoomManager.getRoomList() method, accessible through the roomManager getter; this was replicated on the SmartFox class for handy access due to its usually frequent usage.

        See Also:
        getRoomManager(), JoinRoomRequest, SubscribeRoomGroupRequest, UnsubscribeRoomGroupRequest
      • getRoomManager

        public IRoomManager getRoomManager()
        Returns a reference to the Room Manager. This manager is used internally by the SmartFoxServer 2X API; the reference returned by this property gives access to the Rooms list and Groups, allowing interaction with Room objects.
        Specified by:
        getRoomManager in interface ISmartFox
      • getUserManager

        public IUserManager getUserManager()
        Returns a reference to the User Manager. This manager is used internally by the SmartFoxServer 2X API; the reference returned by this property gives access to the users list, allowing interaction with User objects.
        Specified by:
        getUserManager in interface ISmartFox
      • getBuddyManager

        public IBuddyManager getBuddyManager()
        Returns a reference to the Buddy Manager. This manager is used internally by the SmartFoxServer 2X API; the reference returned by this property gives access to the buddies list, allowing interaction with Buddy and BuddyVariable objects and access to user properties in the Buddy List system.
        Specified by:
        getBuddyManager in interface ISmartFox
      • isUdpInited

        public boolean isUdpInited()
        Indicates whether the UDP handshake has been performed successfully or not.
        See Also:
        initUdp(String, int)
      • initCrypto

        public void initCrypto()
        Initializes the connection cryptography. Once this process is successfully completed all of the server's data will be encrypted using standard AES 128-bit algorithm, using a secure key served over HTTPS.


        The following example initializes the socket cryptography:

         SmartFox sfs = new SmartFox();
         SFSListener listener = new SFSListener();
         sfs.addEventListener(SFSEvent.CONNECTION, listener);
         sfs.addEventListener(SFSEvent.CRYPTO_INIT, listener);
         class SFSListener implements IEventListener
                public void dispatch(BaseEvent evt) throws SFSException 
                        // Handle Connection event
                        if (event.getType().equals(SFSEvent.CONNECTION))
                                boolean success = (Boolean) event.getArguments().get("success");
                                if (success)
                                        System.out.println("Connection failed!");
                        // Handle CryptoInit event
                        else if (event.getType().equals(SFSEvent.CRYPTO_INIT))
                                boolean success = (Boolean) event.getArguments().get("success");
                        if (success)
                                System.out.println("CRYPTO INIT SUCCESS!");
                                        // Proceed with login
                                sfs.send(new LoginRequest("UserName"));
                                System.out.println("CRYPTO INIT FAIL: " + event.getArguments().get("errorMsg"));
        See also the SFS2X documentation here
        Specified by:
        initCrypto in interface ISmartFox
      • initUdp

        public void initUdp​(java.lang.String udpHost,
                            int udpPort)
        Initializes the UDP protocol by performing an handshake with the server. If udpHost or udpPort arguments are not passed, the client will use the settings loaded via loadConfig() method.

        This method needs to be called only once. It can be executed at any moment provided that a connection to the server has already been established. After a successful initialization, UDP requests can be sent to the server-side Extension at any moment.

        MTU note

        The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU), represents the largest amount of bytes that can be sent at once before packet fragmentation occurs. Since the UDP protocol uses a "nothing-or-all" approach to the transmission, it is important to keep in mind that, on average, a message size of 1100-1200 bytes is probably the maximum you can reach. If you exceed the MTU size the data will be "lost in hyperspace" (the Internet).

        Another interesting matter is that there is no fixed size for the MTU, because each operating system uses a slightly different value. Because of this we suggest a conservative data size of 1000-1200 bytes per packet, to avoid packet loss. The SFS2X protocol compression allows to send 2-3KBytes of uncompressed data, which usually is squeezed down to a size of ~1000 bytes. If you have a larger amount of data to send, we suggest you to organize it in smaller chunks so that they don't exceed the suggested MTU size.

        More details about the MTU can be found at the page linked below.

        udpHost - The IP address of the server to connect to.
        udpPort - The UDP port to connect to.

        The following example initializes the UDP communication, sends a request to an Extension and handles the related events:

         private void someMethod() {
             sfs.addEventListener(SFSEvent.UDP_INIT, new IEventListener() {
                 public void dispatch(BaseEvent evt) throws SFSException {
                     if ((Boolean)evt.getArguments().get("success")) {
                         // Connection successful: execute an Extension call via UDP
                         sfs.send( new ExtensionRequest("udpTest", new SFSObject(), null, true) );
                         System.out.println("UDP initialization failed!");
        ArgumentError - If an invalid address or port is passed, and it can't be found in the loaded settings.
        See Also:
        SFSEvent.UDP_INIT, loadConfig(),
      • isJoining

        public boolean isJoining()
        * API internal usage only *
      • setJoining

        public void setJoining​(boolean joining)
        * API internal usage only *
        Specified by:
        setJoining in interface ISmartFox
      • getSessionToken

        public java.lang.String getSessionToken()
        Returns the unique session token. The Session token is a string sent by the server to the client after the initial handshake
        Specified by:
        getSessionToken in interface ISmartFox
      • getDispatcher

        public sfs2x.client.core.EventDispatcher getDispatcher()
        * API internal usage only *
        Specified by:
        getDispatcher in interface sfs2x.client.core.IDispatchable
        Specified by:
        getDispatcher in interface ISmartFox
      • getReconnectionSeconds

        public int getReconnectionSeconds()
        * API internal usage only *
      • setReconnectionSeconds

        public void setReconnectionSeconds​(int seconds)
        * API internal usage only *
        Specified by:
        setReconnectionSeconds in interface ISmartFox
      • send

        public void send​(sfs2x.client.requests.IRequest request)
        Sends a request to the server. All the available request objects can be found in the requests package.
        request - A request object.

        The following example sends a login request:

         sfs.send( new LoginRequest("KermitTheFrog", "KermitPass", "TheMuppetZone") );

        The following example sends a "join room" request.

         sfs.send( new JoinRoomRequest("Lobby") );

        The following example creates an object containing some parameters and sends it to the server-side Extension.

         ISFSObject params = new SFSObject();
         params.putInt("x", 10);
         params.putInt("y", 37);
         sfs.send( new ExtensionRequest("setPosition", params) );
      • loadConfig

        public void loadConfig​(java.lang.String filePath,
                               boolean connectOnSuccess)
        Loads the client configuration file.

        The SmartFox instance can be configured through an external XML configuration file loaded at run-time. By default, the loadConfig() method loads a file named "sfs-config.xml", placed in the same folder of the application swf file. If the connectOnSuccess argument is set to true, on loading completion the connect() method is automatically called by the API, otherwise the SFSEvent.CONFIG_LOAD_SUCCESS event type is dispatched. In case of loading error, the SFSEvent.CONFIG_LOAD_FAILURE event type id fired.

        The external XML configuration file has the following structure; ip, port and zone parameters are mandatory, all other parameters are optional:

        <!-- SFS2X Client Configuration file -->
        filePath - Filename of the external XML configuration, including its path relative to the folder of the application swf file.
        connectOnSuccess - A flag indicating if the connection to SmartFoxServer must be attempted upon configuration loading completion.

        The following example loads an external configuration file and, on loading completion, connects to the server:

         private void someMethod() {
             SmartFox sfs = new SmartFox();
             sfs.addEventListener(SFSEvent.CONFIG_LOAD_SUCCESS, new IEventListener() {
                 public void dispatch(BaseEvent evt) throws SFSException {
                     // Configuration loaded successfully, now connect
             sfs.addEventListener(SFSEvent.CONFIG_LOAD_FAILURE, new IEventListener() {
                 public void dispatch(BaseEvent evt) throws SFSException {
                     System.out.println("Failed loading configuration file");
             sfs.loadConfig("testConfig.xml", false);
        See Also:
      • addJoinedRoom

        public void addJoinedRoom​(Room room)
                           throws com.smartfoxserver.v2.exceptions.SFSException
        * API internal usage only *
      • removeJoinedRoom

        public void removeJoinedRoom​(Room room)
        * API internal usage only *
      • getNodeId

        public java.lang.String getNodeId()
        * Cluster only *

        Obtain the id of the node where we're connected to. If the current instance is not connected a null value is returned

        Specified by:
        getNodeId in interface ISmartFox
        the id of the node where we're connected to. Null if we're not connected or SFS2X is not part of a cluster
      • setNodeId

        public void setNodeId​(java.lang.String value)
        * API internal usage only *
        Specified by:
        setNodeId in interface ISmartFox
      • handleClientDisconnection

        public void handleClientDisconnection​(java.lang.String reason)
        * API internal usage only *
        Specified by:
        handleClientDisconnection in interface ISmartFox
      • handleLogout

        public void handleLogout()
        * API internal usage only *
        Specified by:
        handleLogout in interface ISmartFox
      • addEventListener

        public void addEventListener​(java.lang.String eventType,
                                     IEventListener listener)
        * API internal usage only *
        Specified by:
        addEventListener in interface sfs2x.client.core.IDispatchable
      • removeEventListener

        public void removeEventListener​(java.lang.String eventType,
                                        IEventListener listener)
        * API internal usage only *
      • removeAllEventListeners

        public void removeAllEventListeners()
        * API internal usage only *