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Dispatched when a buddy in the current user's buddies list updates one or more Buddy Variables.

Namespace:  Sfs2X.Core
Assembly:  SmartFox2X (in SmartFox2X.dll) Version: (1.8.0)
public static readonly string BUDDY_VARIABLES_UPDATE

Field Value

Type: String
This event is fired in response to the SetBuddyVariablesRequest request to those who have the user as a buddy, but also to the user himself. As in this case the value of the buddy parameter is null (because the user is not buddy to himself of course), the isItMe parameter should be used to check if the current user is the one who updated his own Buddy Variables.

The Params object contains the following parameters:

buddy(Buddy) The object representing the buddy who updated his own Buddy Variables. If the isItMe parameter is true, the value of this parameter is null (because a user is not buddy to himself).
changedVars(IList<string>) The list of names of the Buddy Variables that were changed (or created for the first time).
isItMe(bool) true if the Buddy Variables were updated by the current user himself (in this case this event is a sort of update confirmation).
See the SetBuddyVariablesRequest example.
See Also