HttpRequestHeader Enumeration |
Contains the HTTP headers that may be specified in a client request.
SmartFox2X (in SmartFox2X.dll) Version: (1.8.0)
Syntaxpublic enum HttpRequestHeader
| Member name | Value | Description |
| CacheControl | 0 |
Indicates the Cache-Control header.
| Connection | 1 |
Indicates the Connection header.
| Date | 2 |
Indicates the Date header.
| KeepAlive | 3 |
Indicates the Keep-Alive header.
| Pragma | 4 |
Indicates the Pragma header.
| Trailer | 5 |
Indicates the Trailer header.
| TransferEncoding | 6 |
Indicates the Transfer-Encoding header.
| Upgrade | 7 |
Indicates the Upgrade header.
| Via | 8 |
Indicates the Via header.
| Warning | 9 |
Indicates the Warning header.
| Allow | 10 |
Indicates the Allow header.
| ContentLength | 11 |
Indicates the Content-Length header.
| ContentType | 12 |
Indicates the Content-Type header.
| ContentEncoding | 13 |
Indicates the Content-Encoding header.
| ContentLanguage | 14 |
Indicates the Content-Language header.
| ContentLocation | 15 |
Indicates the Content-Location header.
| ContentMd5 | 16 |
Indicates the Content-MD5 header.
| ContentRange | 17 |
Indicates the Content-Range header.
| Expires | 18 |
Indicates the Expires header.
| LastModified | 19 |
Indicates the Last-Modified header.
| Accept | 20 |
Indicates the Accept header.
| AcceptCharset | 21 |
Indicates the Accept-Charset header.
| AcceptEncoding | 22 |
Indicates the Accept-Encoding header.
| AcceptLanguage | 23 |
Indicates the Accept-Language header.
| Authorization | 24 |
Indicates the Authorization header.
| Cookie | 25 |
Indicates the Cookie header.
| Expect | 26 |
Indicates the Expect header.
| From | 27 |
Indicates the From header.
| Host | 28 |
Indicates the Host header.
| IfMatch | 29 |
Indicates the If-Match header.
| IfModifiedSince | 30 |
Indicates the If-Modified-Since header.
| IfNoneMatch | 31 |
Indicates the If-None-Match header.
| IfRange | 32 |
Indicates the If-Range header.
| IfUnmodifiedSince | 33 |
Indicates the If-Unmodified-Since header.
| MaxForwards | 34 |
Indicates the Max-Forwards header.
| ProxyAuthorization | 35 |
Indicates the Proxy-Authorization header.
| Referer | 36 |
Indicates the Referer header.
| Range | 37 |
Indicates the Range header.
| Te | 38 |
Indicates the TE header.
| Translate | 39 |
Indicates the Translate header.
| UserAgent | 40 |
Indicates the User-Agent header.
| SecWebSocketKey | 41 |
Indicates the Sec-WebSocket-Key header.
| SecWebSocketExtensions | 42 |
Indicates the Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header.
| SecWebSocketProtocol | 43 |
Indicates the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header.
| SecWebSocketVersion | 44 |
Indicates the Sec-WebSocket-Version header.
The HttpRequestHeader enumeration contains the HTTP request headers defined in
RFC 2616 for the HTTP/1.1 and
RFC 6455 for the WebSocket.
See Also