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Server API Documentation


» The Buddy List API

SmartFoxServer 2X provides a set of client and server API specifically designed for managing Buddies and Buddy Lists including persistence, custom states, ability to go online/offline in the Buddy system, runtime and persistent Buddy Variables, server side events and more.

» Features

The following is a rapid overview of the features in the framework:

» Buddy List Client API

Adding Buddies

Adding a new buddy to the current User is pretty straightforward (sfs is the SmartFox class instance):

	// Add buddy-related event listeners during the SmartFox instance setup
	sfs.AddEventListener(SFSBuddyEvent.BUDDY_ADD, OnBuddyAdded);
    sfs.AddEventListener(SFSBuddyEvent.BUDDY_ERROR, OnBuddyError);

	private void SomeMethod()
	    // Add Kermit as a new buddy in your buddy list
	    sfs.Send(new Sfs2x.Requests.Buddylist.AddBuddyRequest("Kermit"));

	private void OnBuddyAdded(BaseEvent evt)
	    Console.WriteLine("Buddy added: " + (Buddy)evt.Params["buddy"]);
	private void OnBuddyError(BaseEvent evt)
	    Console.WriteLine("BuddyList error: " + (string)evt.Params["errorMessage"]);
	// Add buddy-related event listeners during the SmartFox instance setup
	sfs.addEventListener(SFS2X.SFSBuddyEvent.BUDDY_ADD, onBuddyAdded, this);
	sfs.addEventListener(SFS2X.SFSBuddyEvent.BUDDY_ERROR, onBuddyError, this);

	function someMethod()
		// Add Kermit as a new buddy in your buddy list
		sfs.send(new SFS2X.AddBuddyRequest("Kermit"));

	function onBuddyAdded(evt)
		console.log("Buddy added: " + evt.buddy.name);
	function onBuddyError(evt)
		console.warn("BuddyList error: " + evt.errorMessage);
	// Add buddy-related event listeners during the SmartFox instance setup
	sfs.addEventListener(SFSBuddyEvent.BUDDY_ADD, onBuddyAdded);
	sfs.addEventListener(SFSBuddyEvent.BUDDY_ERROR, onBuddyError);

	private function someMethod():void
		// Add Kermit as a new buddy in your buddy list
		sfs.send(new AddBuddyRequest("Kermit")); 

	private function onBuddyAdded(evt:SFSBuddyEvent):void
		trace("Buddy added: ", evt.params.buddy.name);
	private function onBuddyError(evt:SFSBuddyEvent):void
	    trace("BuddyList error: " + evt.params.errorMessage);

Setting Buddy Variables

Buddy Variables can be set as follows:

	// Add buddy-related event listeners during the SmartFox instance setup
	sfs.AddEventListener(SFSBuddyEvent.BUDDY_VARIABLES_UPDATE, OnBuddyVarsUpdate);

	// Set two Buddy Variables
    BuddyVariable bVar1 = new SFSBuddyVariable("avatarPic", "kermit-avatar,jpg");
    BuddyVariable bVar2 = new SFSBuddyVariable("color", "green");
    List<BuddyVariable> bVars = new List<BuddyVariable>();
	sfs.Send(new Sfs2x.Requests.Buddylist.SetBuddyVariablesRequest(bVars));

	private void OnBuddyVarsUpdate(BaseEvent evt)
	    Buddy buddy = (Buddy)evt.Params["buddy"]);
	    bool isItMe = (bool)evt.Params["isItMe"];
	    List<string> changedVars = (List<string>)evt.Params["changedVars"];
	    if (isItMe)
	        Console.WriteLine("I've updated the following Buddy Variables:");
	        for (int i = 0; i < changedVars.Count; i++)
	            string bVarName = changedVars[i];
	            Console.WriteLine(bVarName + " --> " + sfs.BuddyManager.GetMyVariable(bVarName).Value());
	        string buddyName = buddy.Name;
	        Console.WriteLine("My buddy " + buddyName + " updated the following Buddy Variables:");
	        for (int i = 0; i < changedVars.Count; i++)
	            var bVarName:String = changedVars[i];
	            Console.WriteLine(bVarName + " --> " + sfs.BuddyManager.GetBuddyByName(buddyName).GetVariable(bVarName).Value());
	// Add buddy-related event listeners during the SmartFox instance setup
	sfs.addEventListener(SFS2X.SFSBuddyEvent.BUDDY_VARIABLES_UPDATE, onBuddyVarsUpdate, this);

	// Set two Buddy Variables
    var bVar1 = new SFS2X.SFSBuddyVariable("avatarPic", "kermit-avatar,jpg");
    var bVar2 = new SFS2X.SFSBuddyVariable("color", "green");
	sfs.send(new SFS2X.SetBuddyVariablesRequest([bVar1, bVar2]));

	function onBuddyVarsUpdate(evt)
		var isItMe = evt.isItMe;
		if (isItMe)
			console.log("I've updated the following Buddy Variables:");
			for (var i = 0; i < evt.changedVars.length; i++)
				var bVarName = evt.changedVars[i];
				console.log(bVarName + " --> " + sfs.buddyManager.getMyVariable(bVarName).value);
			var buddyName = evt.buddy.name;
			console.log("My buddy " + buddyName + " updated the following Buddy Variables:");
			for (var i = 0; i < evt.changedVars.length; i++)
				var bVarName = evt.changedVars[i];
				console.log(bVarName + " --> " + sfs.buddyManager.getBuddyByName(buddyName).getVariable(bVarName).value);
	// Add buddy-related event listeners during the SmartFox instance setup
	sfs.addEventListener(SFSBuddyEvent.BUDDY_VARIABLES_UPDATE, onBuddyVarsUpdate);

	// Set two Buddy Variables
    var bVar1:BuddyVariable = new SFSBuddyVariable("avatarPic", "kermit-avatar,jpg");
    var bVar2:BuddyVariable = new SFSBuddyVariable("color", "green");
	sfs.send(new SetBuddyVariablesRequest([bVar1, bVar2]));

	private function onBuddyVarsUpdate(evt:SFSBuddyEvent):void
		var isItMe:Boolean = evt.params.isItMe;
		if (isItMe)
			trace("I've updated the following Buddy Variables:");
			for (var i:int = 0; i < evt.params.changedVars.length; i++)
				var bVarName:String = evt.params.changedVars[i];
				trace(bVarName, "-->", sfs.buddyManager.getMyVariable(bVarName).getValue());
			var buddyName:String = evt.params.buddy.name;
			trace("My buddy " + buddyName + " updated the following Buddy Variables:");
			for (var i:int = 0; i < evt.params.changedVars.length; i++)
				var bVarName:String = evt.params.changedVars[i];
				trace(bVarName, "-->", sfs.buddyManager.getBuddyByName(buddyName).getVariable(bVarName).getValue());

» Buddy List Server API

The server side API offer a very similar interface to manipulate buddy lists.

Getting the Buddy API

All Buddy List-related commands are found in the ISFSBuddyApi object.

	SmartFoxServer sfs = SmartFoxServer.getInstance();
	ISFSBuddyApi buddyApi = sfs.getAPIManager().getBuddyApi();

Adding Buddies to a User

This simple example will add a Buddy to the User and notify the client:

	// This will add the User "Piggy" in the list of buddies for User "Kermit"
	buddyApi.addBuddy(getParentZone(), "Kermit", "Piggy");

Setting Buddy Variables

Now let's see how to set a Buddy Variable:

	// 1. Get a reference to the Owner of the BuddyList
	User owner = getParentZone().getUserByName("Kermit");
	// 2. Create a list of variables
	List<BuddyVariable> vars = new ArrayList<BuddyVariable>();
	vars.add( new SFSBuddyVariable("$avatarPic", "kermit-avatar.jpg") );
	vars.add( new SFSBuddyVariable("color", "green") );
	// 3. Set the variables and dispatch a client side event
	buddyApi.setBuddyVariables(owner, vars);

Notice how the first variable name starts with a dollar sign ($) marking the variable persistent. This means that "$avatarPic" is stored locally and available across multiple sessions while the "color" variable exists only until the current user session ends (i.e. upon disconnection).

For more details about the BuddyAPI we recommend consulting the server side javadoc.

» Buddy List persistence

The Buddy List persistence is delegated to an implementation of the BuddyStorage interface found under the com.smartfoxserver.v2.buddylist.storage package. This is the skeleton of the interface:

	void init();
	void destroy();
	BuddyList loadList(String ownerName) throws SFSBuddyListNotFoundException, IOException;
	void saveList(BuddyList buddyList) throws IOException;
	List<BuddyVariable> getOfflineVariables(String buddyName) throws IOException;
	BuddyListManager getBuddyListManager();
	void setBuddyListManager(BuddyListManager buddyListManager);

The init() and destroy() method are called upon creation and destruction of the class, while the BuddyListManager getter/setter is used to maintain a reference to the BuddyListManager object that governs the Buddy Lists in the current Zone. The remaining methods represent the core of the persistence mechanism, which is very simple.

You will be able to provide your custom implementation by simply dropping your .jar file in the SFS2X lib/ folder and specifying the fully qualified name of the storage class in the AdminTool (Zone Configurator -> Buddy List tab).

Zone Configurator's Buddy List tab

>> DOWNLOAD the the default BuddyStorage source code <<