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Server API Documentation


Since 2.13.6

» Protocol Cryptography

Since SFS2X 2.13.6 SmartFoxServer 2X has integrated the deployment of the SSL certificate in the AdminTool. If you're looking to setup the protocol cryptography for a previous version of SmarFoxServer please refer to this document instead.

In this article we're going to discuss how to activate TLS encryption for all traffic in SmartFoxServer, how to setup an X.509 certificate on your server and how to test your connection.

The provided instructions may differ depending on the connection type. Specifically we will distinguish between regular TCP socket connections, used by most client technologies, and websocket connections (WS/WSS), used by Unity's WebGL builds and native JavaScript clients. More information can be found in the protocol overview document.

» Server setup

Configure SmartFoxServer following these steps. Additionally, if it's a production server, you will need a valid SSL certificate, as described in the next section.

1) Enable HTTPS

To activate the cryptography in SmartFoxServer, the first step is activating HTTPS/WSS under the Web Server tab of the Administration Tool's Server Configurator module. If you are using a websocket client, of course the "Enable WS/WSS" check should already be on.


The default HTTPS port is 8443. Whether you keep this value or you customize it, always make sure that you don't have a firewall blocking the communication.

2) Configure your Zone's encryption settings

Under the AdminTool's Zone Configurator module choose your working Zone. Under the General tab Turn on the Use encryption flag and restart the server to activate the changes.


This setting is irrelevant if the Zone serves websocket clients only.

» SSL Certificates

SmartFoxServer 2X is installed by default with a self-signed certificate that can be used to test your games locally. This, however, won't work for a production server. For a live server a signed security certificate is mandatory.

» Production environment

You can acquire a valid SSL certificate from many different Certificate Authorities (such as Symantec, Thawte, CACert, etc) or use an existing one and import it into SmartFoxServer.

Certificates comes in several different file formats. Typically you will get two or three files:

1) Create a bundle of the main and intermediate certificates

This step can be skipped if you don't have an intermediate certificate. If you do, all you need is to create a new text file with the same extension of your certificates (e.g. bundle.crt) and copy/paste both the primary and intermediate ones into the same file, one after the other.

2) Create a binary file containing all the components of the certificate

In this step you'll create a .pfx file containing all the elements of our certificate by using OpenSSL.
Linux and macOS users can execute the command below from their OS's terminal.

Windows user will need to download and install the OpenSSL binaries from here before proceeding.

openssl pkcs12 -export -out my-cert.pfx -inkey www.mydomain.com.key -in 
	www.mydomain.com.crt -certfile bundle.crt


3) Import the .pfx file into a Java keystore file

You can then create the keystore that will be deployed in the web server.

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore my-cert.pfx -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore 
	key-store-name.jks -deststoretype JKS


4) Deploy to SmartFoxServer

Finally you can deploy the keystore to SmartFoxServer 2X via the AdminTool

From there you can select your keystore file, specify the keystore password and upload the certificate.

5) (Alternative) Manual deployment

If you need to deploy the certificate manually please read this guide.

» Certificate integrity check

To verify that the SSL certificate is working correctly you can point your browser to
https//:<your-host>:<ssl-port> and make sure that the green lock appears near the domain name.


You should also test the integrity of your certificate using an online SSL diagnostic tool, such as the one provided by Digicert. This is particularly useful to find issues with the SSL certificate chain that may not appear in the browser and yet cause issues during a secure connection.

» Development environment

The simplest way to test your game/application without incurring in security woes is to disable encryption and just test the encryption on the production server, where it is actually required. A simple way to do this is by organizing your connection code appropriately: with the use of a boolean flag (useEncryption for instance), you can make it very simple to switch the cryptography on and off for the development environment vs production.
An example of this approach is provided in the client code examples in the next section of this document.

» Local testing with the self-signed certificate

In general we don't recommend to test locally with the default self-signed certificate. Since it isn't signed by an authority, every runtime (browser, OS, device, etc) will complain in one way or another and stop your application. There may or may not be ways to force the system to use a non-signed certificate but it can be a tricky process.

We highly recommend instead of testing locally without encryption, and testing online with a regular, signed certificate.

If you still want to run local tests with cryptography, we recommend it only if you really understand how the security of your runtime works.

For browser-plugin environments, this is the equivalent of connecting to an HTTPS website with an invalid certificate. The browser will stop the navigation and show a prominent warning. The user is then able to leave or override the warning and continue, ignoring the security risk.


This however will not show up, because the connection is done inside the plugin, so the error may go undetected. The same happens with a Websocket Secure (WSS) connection: the browser will not show a friendly warning screen; instead it will just prevent the connection to happen.

Here are a few tips that will help testing your application locally.

» Client code

This section will show how to write your base connection code to enable the protocol encryption. The provided examples will use the default ports and also feature a useEncryption flag to easily enable/disable encryption as mentioned before.

» Non-websocket clients

All clients connected over regular TCP socket require a call to the SmartFox.InitCrypto() method after the connection event to add full blown encryption, like in the examples below. But before getting started...

How it works, in a nutshellcrypto-flow

First, a persistent connection is established with the server. Then the InitCrypto() method is called to perform the cryptography handshake. If the the request is successful, the client and server have correctly agreed on a private key that will be used to encrypt the messages.

The SmartFox.InitCrypto() call works in conjunction with the embedded web-server to exchange a unique and secure token over HTTPS. By using an already secure channel for the exchange we can make sure the server is running on a domain with valid SSL certificate, to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks.

The SFSEvent.CRYPTO_INIT event is used to signal the response from the server with a boolean value representing the success of the operation.

Once the private key is acquired the rest of the communication will be transparently encrypted by the API, using AES 128 bit cryptography.

In this Java example we initialize the protocol cryptography as soon as a successful connection is established.

	public class ConnectionExample implements IEventListener
		private SmartFox sfs;
		// Use a flag to easily switch cryptography on and off
		private boolean useEncryption = false;
		public ConnectionExample()
			// Create the SmartFox client instance
			sfs = new SmartFox();
			// Add event listeners
			sfs.addEventListener(SFSEvent.CONNECTION, this);
			sfs.addEventListener(SFSEvent.CRYPTO_INIT, this);
			sfs.addEventListener(SFSEvent.LOGIN, this);
			// Create configuration object
			ConfigData config = new ConfigData();
			config.setPort(useEncryption ? 8443 : 8080);
			// Connect to SmartFoxServer 2X
		// Send a login request
		private void doLogin()
			sfs.send(new LoginRequest("Fozzie"));
		public void dispatch(BaseEvent event)
			// Handle connection event
			if (event.getType().equals(SFSEvent.CONNECTION))
		    	boolean success = (Boolean) event.getArguments().get("success");
		    	if (success)
			    	// Initialize protocol cryptography if needed, otherwise send a login request
		    		if (useEncryption)
		    // Handle encryption initialization event
		    else if (event.getType().equals(SFSEvent.CRYPTO_INIT))
		    	boolean success = (Boolean) event.getArguments().get("success");
		    	if (success)
			    	// Send a login request
		    // Handle login event
		    else if (event.getType().equals(SFSEvent.LOGIN))
		    	System.out.println("Logged in");

Also in this Unity standalone example we initialize the protocol cryptography as soon as a successful connection is established. This is the same for all Unity's target platforms, except WebGL (see next section).

	public class ConnectionExample : MonoBehaviour
		private SmartFox sfs;
		// Use a flag to easily switch cryptography on and off
		private bool useEncryption = true;
		void Start()
			// Create the SmartFox client instance
			sfs = new SmartFox();
			// Add event listeners
			sfs.AddEventListener(SFSEvent.CONNECTION, OnConnection);
			sfs.AddEventListener(SFSEvent.CRYPTO_INIT, OnCryptoInit);
			sfs.AddEventListener(SFSEvent.LOGIN, OnLogin);
			// Create configuration object
			ConfigData config = new ConfigData();
			config.host = "mydomain.com";
			config.port = 9933;
			config.zone = "BasicExamples";
			// Connect
		// Send a login request
		private void DoLogin()
			sfs.Send(new LoginRequest("Fozzie"));
		// Handle connection event
		private void OnConnection(BaseEvent evt)
			if ((bool)evt.Params["success"])
				// Initialize protocol cryptography if needed, otherwise send a login request
	    		if (useEncryption)
		// Handle encryption initialization event
		private void OnCryptoInit(BaseEvent evt)
			if ((bool) evt.Params["success"])
				// Send a login request
		// Handle login event
		private void OnLogin(BaseEvent evt)
			Debug.Log("Logged in");

For a full connection example in Unity, featuring conditional compilation for multiple platforms support, encryption activation and more, please check this tutorial.

» Websocket clients

All clients connected over websocket do not require a specific cryptography handshake. You just need to set the proper connection port and protocol (WS or WSS), like in the following examples.

Using the JavaScript native API, the choice between the encrypted (WS) and non-encrypted (WSS) connection is made in the configuration object passed to the SmartFox class constructor.

	(function () {
		// Use a flag to easily switch cryptography on and off
		var useEncryption = true;
		// Create configuration object
		var config = {};
		config.host = "mydomain.com";
		config.port = useEncryption ? 8443 : 8080;
		config.useSSL = useEncryption;
		config.zone = "BasicExamples";
		// Create the SmartFox client instance
		var sfs = new SFS2X.SmartFox(config);
		// Add connection event listener
		sfs.addEventListener(SFS2X.SFSEvent.CONNECTION, onConnection, this);
		// Connect to SmartFoxServer 2X
		// Handle connection event
		function onConnection(evtParams)

In Unity WebGL the choice between the encrypted (WS) and non-encrypted (WSS) connection is based on a boolean passed to the SmartFox class constructor.

	public class ConnectionExample : MonoBehaviour
		private SmartFox sfs;
		// Use a flag to easily switch cryptography on and off
		private bool useEncryption = true;
		void Start()
			// Create the SmartFox client instance
			sfs = new SmartFox(useEncryption ? UseWebSocket.WSS : UseWebSocket.WS);
			// Add connection event listener
			sfs.AddEventListener(SFSEvent.CONNECTION, OnConnection);
			// Create configuration object
			ConfigData config = new ConfigData();
			config.host = "mydomain.com";
			config.port = useEncryption ? 8443 : 8080;
			config.zone = "BasicExamples";
			// Connect
		// Handle connection event
		private void OnConnection(BaseEvent evt)

For a full connection example in Unity, featuring conditional compilation for multiple platforms support, encryption activation and more, please check this tutorial.

» Platform specific notes

» Unity WebGL

The SmartFox.InitCrypto method is not available when building for WebGL: use WSS connection as discussed above.

» Adobe Flash

The Flash IDE will always fail connecting with encryption to a local SmartFoxServer with a self-signed certificate. Similarly does the standalone Flash Player. The only way to test in such setup is to use the browser by pre-authorizing the domain, as explained previously in the article.