SFS2X Docs / ExamplesCpp / introduction
» C++ examples
In this section of the documentation we provide a series of brief tutorials on some of the C++ examples for various platforms (including iOS and Android) distributed as a specific package on the SmartFoxServer 2X download page.
The package includes an heterogeneous collection of examples developed internally or provided by contributors involved in this initiative. For this reason each example may have a different folders structure and coding approach.
Each tutorial analyzes a single example, providing specific setup instructions, describing its objectives, giving an insight into the SmartFoxServer features it wants to highlight and providing the direct link to download the source code, which includes all the assets required to compile and test it (both client and — if existing — server side). If necessary, code excerpts are provided in the tutorial itself, in order to better explain the approach that was followed to implement a specific feature. At the bottom of the tutorial, additional resources are linked if available.
» Requirements
Unless otherwise noted inside the tutorials:
- all examples are distributed in a single package and the same download link is provided in all the tutorials;
- the main folder of each example in the downloaded package is referenced in the related tutorial using this icon:
All the examples make use of the latest version of the SmartFoxServer 2X C# API available at the time of their development. As the API evolve in time (bug fixes, new features), we strongly recommend that, after downloading an example, you update the included API with those provided in the latest SmartFoxServer C++ API package available on our website.