SFS2X Docs / ExamplesAndroid / introduction
» Java/Android examples
In this section we are going to examine a couple of client-side examples based on the SFS2X Java client API.
These examples will get you started with creating an SFS2X client application in pure Java or using the Android SDK. Additionally you will find a series of "code recipes" that will help you learning how to use many other requests available in the client API.
The code examples are accompanied by the relative source code which can be downloaded as a package from our Examples download section.
» Requirements
Unless otherwise noted inside the tutorials:
- all examples are distributed in a single package; the same download link is provided in all the tutorials;
- the main folder of each example in the downloaded package is referenced in the related tutorial using this icon:
all examples require JDK 8 or later, and a Java IDE. We recommend IntelliJ IDE CE (which is free and open source).
- for the Android example(s) you will need to install Android Studio.
We hope these example show you how easy it is to make multiplayer apps with SmartFoxServer 2X for your Android devices. Click on the first example in the sidebar to get started.