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» Analytics module | Metrics

The Analytics reporting console revolves around a number of metrics which mimic the classic website usage metrics (visits, unique visitors, etc) and new metrics specifically designed for multiuser environments.

The statistics are calculated on the basis of the information logged by SmartFoxServer 2X during its operation, as described later (see Data collection). For this reason some metrics are common to all views (demographic, technology, etc) and others are specific to some views (for example the user IP address is not available in a Room join event, so it is not possible to offer a demographic view on the Room joins).

The following metrics are available; they all refer to the selected time period:

1) Contacts

Total number of connections

A connection is recorded each time a socket/BlueBox connection is established by a client

2) Visits

Total number of visits

A visit is recorded each time a user performs a successful login

3) Unique visitors

Number of unduplicated (counted only once) visitors

The visitor uniqueness is based on the username and login Zone: the same username used in different Zones is considered to be a different visitor

4) New visitors1

Number of first time visitors

A visitor is recorded as 'new' if his/her username has never been used before in the same Zone, regardless of the selected time period (based on the available data)

5) New visitors' visits1

Total number of visits of first time visitors

A visit is recorded a 'new' over the time period if the user is recorded as new visitor in that period

6) Returning visitors1

Number of visitors who first visited before the selected time period

A visitor is recorded as 'returning' if his/her username has been used before the selected period in the same Zone (based on the available data)

7) Returning visitors' visits1

Total number of visits of returning visitors

A visit is recorded as 'return' over the time period if the user is recorded as returning visitor in that period

8) New visitors %1 Percentage of first time visitors over the number of unique visitors
9) Returning visitors %1 Percentage of returning visitors over the number of unique visitors
10) New visits %1 Percentage of first time visits over the total visits
11) Avg. visit duration

Average duration of a visit

The duration of a visit is the difference between the login time and the logout (or disconnection) time

12) Avg. concurrent users2

Average number of concurrent users

13) Peak concurrent users2

Maximum number of concurrent users

14) Rooms created

Total number of Rooms created

This number includes both static and dynamic Rooms

15) Avg. Room duration

Average duration of dynamic Rooms

The duration of a Room is the elapsed time between its creation and its destruction, based on the removal policy set for the Room

16) Game Rooms %

Percentage of Game Rooms over the total number of Rooms created

A Room is of type Game if the 'isGame' flag is set to true during the Room creation

17) Room joins2

Total number of Room joins

18) Avg. Room joins per user2

Average number of Room joins over the number of unique visitors

If the Rooms created are mostly Game Rooms, this metric shows the average number of matches played by each unique visitor

19) Exceptions

Total number of exceptions

An exception can be either an ERROR or a WARNING in the SmartFoxServer logs

20) Unique exceptions

Number of unduplicated (counted only once) exceptions

The exception uniqueness is based on the error/warning description

21) Avg. exception occurrence Average number of times a unique exception occurred

1. New and returning visitors metrics are meaningful if a login credentials check system is in place only; otherwise different users might use the same username in the same Zone, being considered as the same user.
2. Read Stats extra logging paragraph in the Data collection documentation.


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