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Server API Documentation


» Client API setup | C#

The C# API is used to develop games for all browsers running the Unity web player, standalone games for PC (all Windows versions, including Windows 8), Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, Windows Phone 8 through the Unity publishing features and also native games for .Net, Windows 8, Windows Phone 8 and Mono platoforms.
More platforms may be supported too (see the Unity publishing options), but we didn't test them directly.

The API is distributed in the form of three DLL libraries to be used alternatively or in conjunction with each other (read below) depending on your development platform:

The libraries are available in the release and debug versions. Using the release version is always recommended. The debug version allows API's internal debug messages to be printed to the output panel in Visual Studio when developing applications for Windows 8 / Windows Phone 8.

» .Net / Mono

After creating a new project in Visual Studio (PC) or MonoDevelop (Mac), edit the project's References and add the SmartFox2X.dll library contained in the /Release/Unity folder of the API zip file.

» Windows 8

After creating a new project in Visual Studio 2012, edit the project's References and add the SmartFox2X.dll library contained in the /Release/Windows8 folder of the API zip file.

» Windows Phone 8

After creating a new project in Visual Studio 2012, edit the project's References and add the SmartFox2X.dll library contained in the /Release/WindowsPhone8 folder of the API zip file.

» Unity

The API requires Unity v2.6 or higher. Create a new project in Unity and copy the SmartFox2X.dll library contained in the /Release/Unity folder of the API zip file to the project's /Assets/Plugins folder.

This works for all project builds except those targeted at Windows Store Apps (Windows 8) or Windows Phone 8. In such cases you will also need the DLLs contained in the /Release/Windows8 and /Release/WindowsPhone8 folders of the zip file respectively, to be used in conjunction with the Unity API.

For more informations and instructions to setup the environment please read the Unity documentation available here (Windows 8) and here (Windows Phone 8). In particular refer to the Plugins chapter.


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